[48] During their final Duel, Kite admits to Mizar to being the true Dragon master for believing in his dragon. [46], After Ray Shadows is abducted to the Barian World by Vector, the Barian that had possessed Dr. Faker, Kite flew to the location where the Duel occurred only to find a distraught Yuma. In response, Kite told Yuma he would always accept a Duel against him. Heartland], Kite told him he was fine. Later that night, Kite informed Hart of his mission, bidding him farewell and promising to return soon. [62], Kite and the others returned to Heartland, meeting up with Quinton's brothers and Yuma's friends to tell them what what happened with Yuma. Kite was aided by Orbital 7, who managed to keep his eyesight from blurring, but slowly began to lose his life support from Mizar's continuous attacks. To stop Heartland and protect his "Numbers", Kite challenged Mr. Heartland to a Duel. Before their Duel began, Kite explained to Mizar about the legend of a dragon and how it created the Numeron Code. Kite and [7|Orbital 7] picked up signals indicating a gravitational disturbance near the harbor, which was [[53]]'s appearance on Earth. Upon hearing about a crisis in the [World|Astral World], Kite joined Yuma, Tori, Arclights and the [Barian Emperors|Seven Barian Emperors] to help Astral. However, Quinton was able to awaken Kite's survival instincts and successfully made Kite fight the poison off. Faker] and [Heartland|Mr. During that time, Kite helped Yuma enter the tournament with the intention of settling his Duel against Astral. Kite exhibits some level of religious affiliation in the Japanese version. Heartland told him not to worry about that and instructed him to attend the finals party to scope out his opponent's "Numbers". Both initially viewed their main rivals as the spirit partner of their respective protagonist duos in their series (Astral and. [45] Sometime later, Kite had ordered Orbital 7 to investigated the Barian and notice Orbital's odd behavior one day when checking on his progress, but let it slide. Yu-Gi-Oh! Upon arriving in an mountain range, Kite went with Yuma and Shark to climb a mountain to reach the ruins. [14], Kite quickly overpowered Astral and threatened him with "Galaxy-Eyes". Seeing this, Yuma thanked Kite, but in actual fact Kite was doing it for his own needs as if the plane had crashed and killed all of the passengers, the World Duel Carnival would have been cancelled due to the event causing mass panic within the city. During the Duel, Kite was surprised that Yuma used 2 "Numbers", and identified him as Number Hunter, but looked happy to have a rival. As a child, Kite seemed to share a good relationship with his father, who gave him the card "[in a Bottle (anime)|Message in a Bottle]", much to his delight. When he was about fall unconscious, Kite opened his eyes long enough to see that Yuma and Astral had returned from the Astral World. Kite also tried to spare Hart from being concerned about him, putting on a forced smile and assuring him that's he alright. This caused Kite to worry that the portal would break down and Yuma would be trapped in the Astral World. This may have some relation about the similarities Yuma and Kite have that [[80]] himself has observed. Kite and his friends ended up on a mountain peak after the Number ruins vanished. Although he goes along with Kite's words, Hart can see through him and understands what Kite was doing for him. The Sphere Field Cannon began to explode, with Hart being lowered down to Kite slowly and Kite catch him and told him his nightmares gone now. Kite entrusts "Number 100" to Mizar before dying. When Kite was about to surrender due to losing his passion to Duel, Yuma encouraged him to continue, calling Kite his "goal". [20] Sometime later, Kite and Orbital 7 flew around Heartland as abnormal phenomenons occurred all across the city. [[3]] intercepts Kite, blocking him from [[4]]. ZEXAL episode 13: "" [95]Template:-, Kite loves his little brother, [Tenjo|Hart], very much and he is "everything" to him. When Yuma and Tori arrived with Orbital 7, Yuma informed him that Dextra sacrificed herself in an attempt to defeat Vetrix, but he responded that he didn't care. In his thoughts, Kite reflected how a part on him wanted to follow Quinton that day. Kite warns Yuma that Shark has sided with the Barians. However, Kite secretly went to get Yuma and heard the boy proclaiming that he would search for Astral forever until he finds him. He determined the birthplace was the moon and that the legend is related to the [Code|Numeron Code]. Orbital discovered that Vetrix's movements had become erratic because he was avoiding Trap Cards another Duelist had Set - and all of those cards had "Butterfly" in their name. When they reached the Sphere Field Cannon, Mr. Heartland, deployed an army of Litterbots to stop them. At the lab site, Kite argued with Quinton about how he wouldn't "coddle" Yuma like him, even though he knows the dangers that Yuma would face. Jinlon told that's was the reason he was testing Kite so he could lead this world on the right path and prevent any wars that will lead the world to destruction. After the Duel, he awakened and Orbital 7 informed him that Yuma won.[64]. [87] He and Orbital witnessed the destruction of "[9: Dyson Sphere (anime)|Number 9: Dyson Sphere]", with Orbital showing concern for [[71]]. In his thoughts, Kite reflected how a part on him wanted to follow Quinton that day. [123][124][125] Initially, Kite refereed to Shark by his first name, but as they were around each other more often, he began using Shark's nickname just as others do.[126]. [117] During the duel with [Faker|Dr. After Yuma defeated Fender, the two arrived to tell Fender of his gang's defeat and support Yuma in his fight against the Barian World.[19]. Kite is surprised as Yuma continues to protect him. [12] During the opening day of the tournament, Kite continued collecting the "Numbers", even taking on two "Number" holders at once in a two-vs-one Duel. I do not play yugioh competitively only for Anime Purposes. After the group fled from the Barians, he fell unconscious again and Quinton asked Orbital 7 to bring him to the armored car before speeding away. [56], Faker immediately brought out what he called the strongest "Number", "[53: Heart-eartH (anime)|Number 53: Heart-eartH]". [23][10][2], At the end of WDC, Astral told Kite, who could now see and hear him, that he considered him as a friend when encouraging him to continue his rematch with Yuma. [33], While looking after Hart, Kite complained that Hart shouldn't continue using his powers, as he could collapse again, but Hart said he wanted to continue using it as he was doing something good for the world. Disclaimer: All cards come in near mint condition, but there is a small change of light played condition when using older cards. Suddenly, Mizar arrived and challenged Kite to settle things, but the force of the "Neo Galaxy-Eyes" monsters began to destroy the ruins and Mizar retreated. After some arguing, Tori convinced the two to work together to get to Yuma and Hart. The actual tune of Kite's whistle is called "Haruto Tenjo's Theme", which is also featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh! [55] As events came to a climax, they witnessed Astral destroying Number 96 and forced to parted ways with a tearful Yuma. Anime Prior to his first Duel with Yuma, Kite had acquired eleven "Numbers", among them "Number 10: Illumiknight", "Number 20: Giga-Brilliant" and "Number 56: Gold Rat"[1]. Zearu?) It was revealed that the Kite that was watching the Duels was only a statue as [Katherine|Cathy] broke it. He was looked after by Quinton as Yuma took his place in the Duel. Both of these abilities are technological in origin and were provided by Dr. Faker. Faker], a [Hunter|Number Hunter], and one of the main characters who was gathering "Numbers" for his father in order to help his formerly sick brother, [Tenjo|Hart Tenjo],Assisted by a robot named [7|Orbital 7], Kite was the most direct adversary of the first three arcs, but his "Numbers" are now in the possession of [Tsukumo|Yuma Tsukumo] and [[9]]. It was revealed that the Kite that was watching the Duels was only a statue as Cathy broke it. Faker], they developed a friendship and worked well with each other. -- including Yu-Gi-Oh!GX, games, cards, anime and manga -- it's ZEXAL that has the most divisive love-it-or-hate-it reputation. Not wanting to burden Kite with this knowledge, he never told him. He was then challenged by Mizar to a rematch, taking the first turn by Xyz Summoning "[Lord Galaxion (anime)|Starliege Lord Galaxion]" only to be inflicted damage through the effect of the [Spell Card|Field Spell Card] that surrounded him and his friends. [116][106] Although he despised Vetrix, Kite did try to honor Quinton's wishes in his Duel against Vetrix by Summoning Quinton's "[9: Dyson Sphere (anime)|Number 9: Dyson Sphere]" so Vetrix could remember his son. Yuma insisted they couldn't fight their friend, but Kite pointed out that [[70]] was dead because of him and he was their friend too. Mizar canceled the Duel after this, as the power of his new monster threatened to destroy the Barian Sphere Cube. TCG YGO! [82] As the energy continued to overload the device, Kite and the others was forced to evacuated the laboratory before it explodes. Feb 16, 2017 - Explore Astral's board "kite tenjo" on Pinterest. Yu-Gi-Oh! Height His attire includes a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt, a finger-less black glove on his right hand, and white pants with black boots. Kite has light blue-grey eyes, pale skin and blonde hair that is curled up in a point with a dark green spiked front, also featuring dark green bangs. ARC-V.[7][8]. Kite revealed he wanted power to protect Hart and Chris taught him how to play Duel Monsters in order to suit that purpose. [97] Kite seems to have grown to respect Yuma as he begins to call him by his first name, however he still doesn't see him as his rival and still dislikes him. The Duel began and Vetrix revealed an AR mask identical to Hart's face. He arrived with Orbital 7, and quickly defeated the criminal, capturing his "Number," the eleventh "Number" that Kite had acquired. Yuma and [7|Orbital 7] departed for [Tower|Heartland Tower] in Kite's place. When Mizar asked why Kite didn't seem concerned about Yuma, Kite said that he believes in Yuma as a Duelist. Faker gave Kite a card, called "Message in a Bottle" when he was a child. He can Duel without a [Gazer|Duel Gazer]; however, his left eye turns red and several marks resembling a Duel Gazer are seen when he Duels. [73] However, Astral eventually overcame his fears towards Kite as his bond with Yuma grew stronger. Mizar revealed his Barian form and Summoned "Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon". [18], While getting ready for his Duel, he thought about the fact that up until now, he had always fought as a Number Hunter for the sake of Hart, recalling the souls he has taken. Astral then appeared, informing them that it would be able to transport them to the Barian World. Christopher Kromer Kite continued an aggressive strategy, bringing out "Neo Galaxy-Eyes". Quinton thought of Kite and Hart like his brothers and became Kite's Dueling mentor. [136] This card and "Dragluon" resonated with [[95]]'s "[107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon (anime)|Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon]" and netted him "[100: Numeron Dragon|Number 100: Numeron Dragon]". 1.67 m [6] However, Kite didn't care about it as Hart was in trouble and told Shark they could have a rematch later. [65] When both had recovered enough to speak, Yuma and Kite conversed about Shark. Heartland]. [5] Quinton reduced Kite to a mere 100 Life Points with "Dyson Sphere", and then told Kite his family has thrown away their own name for revenge. Blueish gray Italian [89] [61] Kite rushed there using Orbital 7's motorcycle mode to intercept part of [[54]]'s gang, while Shark arrived and intercepted another part of the gang. [3] He is however not above using the fear his opponents already have to make them doubt themselves as seen with Astral when he could have Summoned "Number 39: Utopia" against Kite, but the fear of "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" prevented him from thinking clearly. Kite arrived to his meeting place by flying with [7|Orbital 7] and signaled his arrival by whistling. Hart then transferred his remaining power to his brother, forcing the ritual to end, and leaving Vetrix only some of the powers and memories he had intended to steal. Upon arriving in an mountain range, Kite went with Yuma and Shark to climb a mountain to reach the ruins. Kite's robot, [7|Orbital 7], possesses other abilities which aids him in his hunt for the "Numbers". [42] Kite rushed there using Orbital 7's motorcycle mode to intercept part of Fender's gang, while Shark arrived and intercepted another part of the gang. He detailed the legend to Quinton, informing it said that if the two dragons fought at the place of their birth, the true eyes of the galaxy would awaken and the winner would open the gates to a new world. [20], Kite and Orbital 7 search Heartland where phenomenons are occurring, When Yuma and the others were setting off to the last ruins, Yuma mention that Kite wouldn't join them this time because he was looking into some things. ZEXAL Sound Duel 1. After defeating [[10]] on the Moon, Kite deems Mizar the true Dragon Tamer and entrusts him to complete his quest after succumbing to the vacuum of space. [15] However, both regarded each other coldly and in anger because of what their families did to each other. Japanese He can Duel without a Duel Gazer; however, his left eye turns red and several marks resembling a Duel Gazer are seen when he Duels. Zexal II), Martina Felli (Yu-Gi-Oh! [37], Before the World Duel Carnival started, Mr. Heartland summoned Kite to watch all the people coming to the tournament. He then jumped into his cart and sped off of on the [Coaster|Duel Coaster] with the other finalists, leaving Yuma behind. [76] As events came to a climax, they witnessed Astral destroying Number 96 and forced to parted ways with a tearful Yuma. He spotted Yuma and his friends being transported by Number 96 to another location and flown just in time to go along. He was unable to confront Yuma because Orbital 7 notified that Photon Transformation had already used 85% of its power and, therefore, there wasn't much left. [3], When Fortuno confronted Yuma while claiming to be Kite's servant, it appeared Kite watched. He then took The Emperor's Key and flew off. Jinlon told that's was the reason he was testing Kite so he could lead this world on the right path and prevent any wars that will lead the world to destruction. [10][34] They confronted each other with a Duel, where Kite learned what happened between their fathers and promised Quinton that he will deal with their fathers for him. Faker] was in a meeting with [Heartland|Mr. While getting ready for his Duel, he thought about the fact that up until now, he had always fought as a Number Hunter for the sake of Hart, recalling the souls he has taken. Kite told him to remember that he and [[72]] must do what they need to do, just as Kite must and urged him not to look back. When striking a finishing move against opponents, he asks them if they are "ready for [their] confession". [20] In the manga, Kaito makes it clear that if his "Galaxy-Eyes" won't be at his side, he will destroy it without a second thought (saying it will humiliate itself at the hand of someone else) after it was taken by Hishakaku, Summoning "Galaxy Dragun" to take it down mercilessly with the intention of ending the Duel.[21]. Despite their differences, both he and Shark are a lot alike, both do whatever they can to protect their siblings ([Tenjo|Hart] and [Kastle|Rio]) and become quite vengeful and angry when both are in danger, as well as both seem to possess cool and distant personalities. May 16, 2019 - Explore LunaSakuruno's board "Kite Tenjo" on Pinterest. [93] After Don Thousand was defeated, Kite gave Yuma one last smile as he vanished once again. Kite also thought about Yuma's never-give-up attitude and how much he enjoyed Dueling. [71], After the ceremonial Duel between Yuma and Astral, Kite was revived via the Numeron Code. Sometime later, Kite showed Hart a butterfly, with Dextra secretly watching on nearby. With it, Kite defeats both Trey and Quattro in one turn. [28] Knowing that Astral helps Yuma, Kite saw Astral as his rival instead of Yuma, whom Kite considered as "just an idiot". [10] Whenever Hart was in danger or pain, Kite underwent great panic and stress, to the point of not thinking clearly as his anger and worries took over. [11], Some time later, he was seen watching over his brother who was sleeping. As Kite tells Yuma about the [[68]] that the coins are made of and the device, he got bitten by a mosquito, but shrugged it off seconds later. Yu-Gi-Oh! Once everyone was safe, Kite was informed of the seven "Mythyrian Numbers" by Yuma. [69], During Yuma's and Nash's Duel with Don Thousand, Kite's spirit appeared to support Yuma, light-heartily asking him if was really ready to give up and what had happened to his "kattobingu" spirit, calling him an "idiot". As Orbital 7 began losing power as a result of his sustained injuries, Kite bid a heartfelt goodbye to his father and brother, and he told Yuma not to lose hope. [120], Ironically, there is some resemblance between Kite's and Yuma's Dueling styles, as both seem to prefer a more offense-based strategy, and their Dueling styles were at least somewhat compatible when they [Duel|Tag Duel]ed. Faker revealed the truth to Kite. His attire includes a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt, a finger-less black glove on his right hand, and white pants with black boots. Kite was saddened but not surprised when Orbital informed him he had lost track of Trey and Quinton's vitals. Suddenly, Mizar arrived and challenged Kite to settle things, but the force of the "Neo Galaxy-Eyes" monsters began to destroy the ruins and Mizar retreated. Photon [13] He also won a "Number" from Fortuno. Using his Photon Hand ability, he stole the souls of the original owners, leaving them catatonic in the process. Kite battled Mizar's "Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon" with his own "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon", but struggled to deal with its effects. Kite reminded Yuma that he entrusted everything to them so they must win before disappearing. Later that night, Kite informed Hart of his mission, bidding him farewell and promising to return soon. "Kaito" is the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "Kite"; and given it is written in Katakana instead of Kanji, it can thus be correctly translated as either "Kaito" or "Kite". Hart urged him to go the hospital to visit Yuma, although Kite didn't seem to hear him until Hart began to leave. When asked about his status by Mr. Heartland, Kite told him he was fine. Heartland], and tends to hide secrets from them. [5] He considers his hunting to be a job he has to do, not one he wants to do. This saddened Kite, and he announced that he wanted to give up, hardly caring about it any more as he had lost his passion for Dueling since Hart is now cured. The explosive end to the battle between Kite and Vetrix roars to a finish! Kite told her not to get involved, but Dextra threatened him with "Butterfly Ballet", causing Kite to subconsciously switch lanes. [15] He is later able to call upon the power of the Astral World to evolve his dragon into a Number, gaining a blue aura while doing so. [33] Kite defeated another finalist with his "Reverse Buster", saying he has no time to deal with people who do not possess "Numbers", while Dextra whispered for him not to push himself. There, Vetrix appeared to them in the form of the dragon, which Yuma slew with "Number 39: Utopia", severed the connection between Vetrix and Hart. Yugioh Zexal. As they made progress, Quinton thanked Kite for his efforts and told him that the experiment was extremely dangerous and they could not let Yuma be aware of it. The ''Heaven'' in his last name can refrences his Photon deck being LIGHT and the Astral World being heaven in the Zexal universe in where his dragon came from. Kite suspected that Dr. Faker is not telling the truth about the "Numbers", so he ordered Orbital 7 to find the origin of the "Numbers". [75], Kite and Orbital 7 search Heartland where phenomenons are occurring, When Yuma and the others were setting off to the last ruins, Yuma mention that Kite wouldn't join them this time because he was looking into some things. Just as Kite was about to try rushing in, [[42]] told him that there was nothing he could do right now, even if he was by Hart's side. [7], Kite doesn't trust and shows hatred towards [Faker|Dr. Patrick Mahomes. During the first turn, Quinton managed to Summon his "Number 9: Dyson Sphere", which Kite attacked, not knowing what it truly is. He summarized that they need to find Numeron Code if they ever wish to save their world and Astral World from the Barians. As Kite's Dueling skills surpassed Astral's and nearly beat the pair, Astral developed a great fear towards him. Arabic Yuma saved Kite from the damage, but Trey and Quattro continued to target him and Yuma continued to protect him at the expense of his own Life Points. Yugioh Zexal - Kite Tenjo [Boy like you] Yugioh Zexal. After the power surge of [II|ZEXAL II] caused "Sargasso" to self-destruct, Kite's Duel with Mizar was canceled, and he returned to Heartland with everyone else. Although Yuma tried to reason with him, he refused to listen and fought on his own. Thanks to the efforts of Lillybot and Orbital, the people of Earth were able to see the Duel, including Yuma, Astral, Dr. Faker and Hart. When Kite Duels, his black outfit switches to white through a process called "[Transformation|Photon Transformation]". His attire includes a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt, a finger-less black glove on his right hand, and white pants with black boots. As Orbital 7 began losing power as a result of his sustained injuries, Kite bid a heartfelt goodbye to his father and brother, and he told Yuma not to lose hope. However, Kite didn't care about it as Hart was in trouble and told Shark they could have a rematch later. He also uses the "Galaxy" archetype to summon his "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's" upgraded forms: "Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" and "Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon … [84] Kite welcomed Yuma and Astral back before losing consciousness. Kite became angry and tried to punch Mr. Heartland, but it was in fact only a hologram. Eye Color Astral Vs. Kaito (Sub) Astral duels against Kite to defend the "Numbers" cards he possesses. Kite then watched in horror as Yuma fell into a crevasse with Shark, who attempted to save him. In the past, Kite's attire included a pink shirt, brown pants and braces fitted around his belt. In the dubbed version, the song he whistles is more of a Western theme, like a cowboy does when he is about to Duel, which may be a reference to Kalin Kessler. [112], When Yuma interfered in Kite and Astral's Duel, which ended in a [[77]], Yuma asked Kite why he is collecting Numbers. Kite became a Numbers Hunter of his own volition, which Faker thanked him for. When Hart was cured, he became friends with Yuma and Astral and cooperated with them in the Interdimensional War between the Astral World and Barian World, becoming directly involved with the Legend of the Dragons of Light and Time. Unbeknownst to him, Hart was kidnapped by [[35]]. Kite Tenjo è un personaggio di Yu-Gi-Oh! Kite fell from the Sphere Field when it was disengaged, but was caught by Orbital. Kite only answers that he sold his soul to the devil in exchange of his brother's sake. He also has a belt with two purple deck boxes for his cards. He launched his crest towards them and transported them out of the area, thus saving them. Faker] and [Tenjo|Hart]. "Number 10: Illumiknight" and "Number 20: Giga-Brilliant", two of the "Numbers" Kite had by the time he met Yuma. [34] Kite entered the underground section of the Duel Coaster, pursuing Vetrix and Quinton. [14] After learning of Astral, Kite saw him as his real rival instead of Yuma since Astral advised Yuma during his Duels. He also listened to Vector revealing that he was really "Ray" all along and boasting how it was so he could plan Yuma's downfall, which Kite showed visible disgust to. He also shares a brotherly bond with Hart similar to that of Seto Kaiba when it comes to protecting his younger brother, who is his "everything", from any danger. [107], Sometime later, he acquired "[46: Dragluon (anime)|Number 46: Dragluon]" from [[93]]. Before they started, Kite asked if Jinlon Dueled with Mizar and if Mizar won or not, but Jinlon didn't answer. After Fortuno lost to Yuma, he was shown to have another "Number", but the real Kite appeared, and Fortuno begged him to be his servant, proving that he was also lying about that. [26] This however, wasn't the real Kite. [12], In the beginning, Kite despises those wielding the "Numbers" due to Hart's condition and the lies told to him by Mr. Heartland and his father as well. [66], After [Shadows|Ray Shadows] is abducted to the Barian World by [[59]], the Barian that had possessed Dr. Faker, Kite flew to the location where the Duel occurred only to find a distraught Yuma. Il padre nella prima serie é il capo dei nemici e sembra non interessarsi ai figli. When the three suns appeared and time stopped, he entered his Photon mode and traced Yuma's memories of "Numbers" with Orbital 7. Date of birth [13] He also didn't tell them about his plan to find the origin of the "Numbers"[14], or about Yuma and Astral, and lied to Mr. Heartland when he asked about that day. Kite commended Yuma on his resolve and takes him onto a plane to the lab site. Then Orbital 7 came in to remind Kite it was almost time for him to visit Yuma, which made Hart happy as Kite had planned to visit Yuma after all. Kite was feeling guilty about stealing the souls of the holders, but Mr. Heartland informed him that they had no choice, as all "Number" holders are evil (when in reality they are just victims of their card's influence). Using his [Hand|Photon Hand] ability, he stole the souls of the original owners, leaving them catatonic in the process. Kite wears a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt and white pants with black boo… Kite first met [[83]] when he came to live within his father's facility in [[84]], and they become very close. Therefore he stopped the Duel and went to help his brother. [16], One day, Mr. Heartland took Hart away by force and told Kite that he will never see Hart again unless he serves Dr. Faker. [35], Kite quickly overpowered Astral and threatened him with "Galaxy-Eyes". [96] [129] They confronted each other with a Duel, where Kite learned what happened between their fathers and promised Quinton that he will deal with their fathers for him. Wanting an explanation why he left, Kite chased after him, only to have Quinton toss him aside and leaving him very hurt in the rain. [9] In his next match, he lost his "Numbers" to Vetrix. Kite accepted, wanting to finish his confrontation with both Yuma and Astral. [47], Although he was at an disadvantage, Kite remained confident and Summoned "Photon Dragon", taking more damage from "Sargasso". [10], Because of Hart's condition supposedly being caused by the "Number" cards, Kite Duels and acts ruthlessly when it comes to facing those whose possess such cards. Kite told him not to concern himself with that and focus on the confrontation the two will surely have in the finals. Vetrix emerged from a portal, looking like he was going to take his revenge on Faker. When the [Barian Emperors|Seven Barian Emperors] appeared in front of the group, Kite was struggling to keep his eyes open as he saw that Shark and Rio had sided with the Barians as Nash and Marin. [22][23][24], In the past, Kite lived with his brother Hart and Orbital 7 in a small, wooden villa where they would play all day while Hart drank his favorite drink, hot chocolate. oneshots Tenjo Kaito/Kite Tenjo x Kamishiro Rio/Rio Kastle [Diamondshipping] (Yugioh Zexal) (Part I) Rio was tensioned about what she could do next. Biographical information Kite reminded Yuma that he entrusted everything to them so they must win before disappearing. [40], When Kite learned that Hart had escaped from Heartland, Kite panicked and frantically tried to find his little brother. Pipooh Villavicencio. [3], For other versions of this character, see, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.