When completing the lab that follows be sure to use the following list of helpful suggestions! Answer: I have not tried on the green bean plants but if it works on the grape/vineyard (as per my article), then I suppose it will work on the green beans. In his article "The Intelligent Plant" (published in The New Yorker December 23 & 30, 2013), Michael Pollan—author, journalist, professor, and critic of the book by Tompkins and Bird—said, "in the view of many plant scientists The Secret Life of Plants has done lasting damage to their field." This is why you can't find any recent studies on the topic published in any reputable science journals and why music isn't used universally by commercial growers. Also, what was the duration of time the music was played? Will growing tomato plants in water affect mass size? So, if applied properly, it can mean less fertilizer for a good crop. He cited one study that involved the effect of rock music (Meatloaf) and classical (Mozart) on corn and noted that although the results seemed to show slightly positive affect for both types of music on the growth of corn, when researchers redid the study but this time used fans to remove the heat generated by the speakers playing the music, they found no difference in the effects of Mozart, Meatloaf, and silence. I seen on HISTORY TV CHANNEL that "om... " sound listened in the our galaxy so i had been research om sound on the plant that how can be react it ? Mazlan (author) from Malaysia on May 31, 2017: No worries. The yellow corn and turnips were too late to come to any thing. When you play the right music over a longer period, the sound that is transmitted in the form of waves cause the particles in the air to vibrate consistently. Answer. 6. Another plant group grew away from a speaker that played rock music. munza, you can check my article on the effect of music on the human brain at. Read more articles about Gardening Tips & Information. Many commercial growers play music for their crops, regardless of the fact that there are no reliable studies to support the idea. My farm outgoes for the first season were, for implements, seed, work, &c., $14.72½. Answer: Since the study showed that plant does have positive results when exposed to certain types of music, one of the conclusions can be the introduction of music for the farming industries for healthy and faster growth of vegetables and plants. Mazlan (author) from Malaysia on December 30, 2018: Govardhan, pleased to hear that. It practically changed the plant's genetic chromosomes! Hence, the plant will benefit faster from this vibration. Anyways, thanks for dropping by and sharing your observations. Do they like music? So it is better to play music in the morning. Your post is very helpfully for my research... Mazlan (author) from Malaysia on April 13, 2019: Hi gram. The musical repertoire consisted of 2,473 pieces of classical baroque music. Question: When was this article on music effecting plant growth published and where? Will loud music affect the height of corn plants? Mazlan (author) from Malaysia on June 17, 2019: That is a good observation. Label the parts of the . Read on to learn what experts have to say about the effects of music on plant growth. I thought the information was very helpful and reinforced my hypotheses. The website is curated by a bunch of people supremely excited about science, with a hope that the fun that we have in curating it would be the same for all the readers reading it. b. https://discover.hubpages.com/education/Effect-of-... can anybody give me conclusion or result of how does music have an effect on biological system. Types Of Peanut Plants: Learn About Different Varieties Of Peanut, Valencia Peanut Info: Learn How To Grow Valencia Peanuts, Rice Stem Rot Control – A Guide To Treating Rice Stem Rot Disease, Ways To Use Aloe: Surprising Aloe Plant Uses, Growing Victorian Herbs – What Is A Victorian Herb Garden, Seeds From The Past - Ancient Seeds Found And Grown, Zone 6 Planting: Tips On Starting Seeds For Zone 6 Gardens, Protecting Plants In Severe Weather – Learn About Thunderstorm Plant Damage, Molokhia Plant Care: Tips On Growing And Harvesting Egyptian Spinach, What Are Witchetty Grubs: Learn About Witchetty Grubs In Gardens, Iris Flower History – Where Did Iris Originate, Aloe Plant History – Interesting Facts And History Of Aloe Vera, Indian Turnip History: Jack-In-The-Pulpit Folklore And Origins, National Cabbage Day: History And Fun Facts About Cabbage. I have problems for human made up language, French, English Spanish etc. TERM Winter '17; TAGS Microeconomics, cell phone. Yes, plants are getting the benefits (both positive and negative) from sound waves, as mentioned in the article. So it could be from the TV dramas etc! Featured music was "Gather Stasis, "A Calendar Spread," "Olivia Wraith," and [inaudible 00:28:15], all by Blue Dot Sessions, and "Little Shadows" by Lobo Loco music. When I say great I mean like really great. Surprised to see that the science would draw conclusions after only 4 days. These findings were documented in Retallack's 1973 book The Sound of Music and Plants. Cheers. See my article for the example of such farm. So you can say that certain sound wave frequencies have a negative effect on its growth rate and if exposed for a longer period, the plant may die. I need to know about HOW music effects the growth! He also found that plants are sensitive to factors in the external environment, such as light, cold, heat, and noise.