(function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Can Aggression in Dogs Be Fixed with an E-Collar? There is NEVER an excuse for using a shock collar, and it's a wonderful way to get a dog that either turns into a wimp, or shows aggressive behaviors when not wearing the collar. It’s great to see an article offering useful advise on how to use these collars. She truly HATED it. is use of the e-collar for reactivity to all moving objects helpful, or does it only encourage aggression? I think your best bet, given the wide scope of problems you are having with her, is to enroll with a professional trainer and take a series of private, one to one lessons with her to build a much better relationship. He is great with his puppy “brother” (weighs about 15 lbs) but barks aggressively at neighbors and neighbor animals. Lori Leornard It won’t be a cure all but may be a good start. For the time being I would suggest you keep a light leash attached to the dog and begin to institute some rules around the house. Fences, Extra Dog Fence 7 Dos and Donaposts of Using a Dog Shock Collar eBay For example, dogs that become very aggressive when scolded by the owner may. if the dog yipes it’s set to high. With the proper instruction, hopefully you can get things moving in the right direction. Thank you for taking the time to answer me. He is smart and headstrong. If this is a sudden change of behavior it is possible there is an underlying medical reason. I also recognize that resource guarding is a normal behavior…just undesirable for our domesticated pets. Would the e collar help with the aggression? Normal development must allow for transition from one stage of life to the next. Any of those should be good for your purposes. 1. It can be very helpful as part of a training program. He is relentless. Trainers, BROWSE Email : callink9@gmail.com, my yorkie like to beat up on my other dog molly is the yorkie she is very aggressive to daffy and if she get something in her mouth she will bite hard A remote collar can be a useful tool in working on her obedience but I would encourage you to find someone with experience to help you learn to use it properly. Robin. She will lift her lips up, growl, lunge and try to bite (or at least it feels like she will but hasn’t actually yet). He has been professionally trained. May I ask, what it is exactly that you’re concerned about? Both have to be taught and misuse by either can cause problems. In the meantime I will try to see if I can locate a trainer there. You’re not using it for no reason, but to “remind” him to stay in his heel position when you think he is about to forge ahead etc. SportDog Bark Control Collar. I have a 4 month old Doberman puppy. The only dog he loves now is my female daisy he has still to this day never shown aggression towards her. Any tips on using an ecollar without professional training? There were no trainers in my area. http://www.truthaboutshockcollars.com/training-help-supplies/. The key is understanding that stimulation is NOT used as a punishment for the aggressive behavior. Hi, So, they have little to no knowledge of how to use it properly. I don’t think an e-collar is a solution for you at this time. We live on 20 acres in the country and have few visitors, but no fence. Is there someone that anyone knows that would be able to help with her and that is not expensive? If at all possible, don’t go it alone on this one. Also, wireless dog training collars have a convenient advantage in handling dogs in a distance - recalling a dog about to chase a bicycle or a jogger is much more achievable than trying to stop it with the grueling force of a leash. Collars, BROWSE BY Most seniors would have little desire to hang out at a frat party. You don’t just put it on and use it when there is a problem (her being possessive of something) In order to use the e-collar to assist in solving the problem you first use the collar to develop better obedience to simple things like Come, Sit/stay or go to Place etc. Because your above descriptions says “he heels very well..UNLESS…” I believe the situation is essentially about practice, rather than correcting after the fact. If so, let them know you need help reading some body language about when/how to intervene Before he reacts, (plus reward for that behavior) And ideally see if they hold supervised social groups so he can learn more polite behavior around other dogs and alleviate frustration by being allowed to play in the right settings. IF there is a trainer who is experienced working with a stable pack to help you socialize you may be able to fix the problem. Most trainers I have met are far from professional. I got him around 6 months of age from a kid on craigslist that could not take care of him. If you feel you want to go it alone to begin training with the remote collar, you can find my dvd’s through Gun Dog Supply. Duke hated him. It takes consistency and dedication to help dogs that are struggling with aggression issues. God may keep you safe from his wraths. She has since gotten worse. Secondly, Don’t wait till the dog is in the trash and then use the e-collar to try and call him away etc. Dogs, VIC I only used the shock selection one time. Batteries, Citronella Blog, Queensland My last hope is to use a shock collar to try and correct this behavior or I am afraid we are going to have to put her down as a last resort. She’s 9lbs of anger and anxiety. Thank you so much. The female is the alpha over the male. As discussed, proper use of dog training collars with dogs displaying aggressive behaviours can really help in redirecting their attention away from the cause of tension or stimulant of aggression. So first practice the Heel and other behaviors with limited distraction, then increase distraction including working at a distance from other dogs. An e-collar will probably help you regain some control, but after 6 years of “practicing” this aggressive behavior, there is much work to do and you really need to work with someone experienced. Thanks. Would a shock collar assist in this situation, either in terms of getting her comfortable enough with strangers that she won’t lunge/bite or making sure she sticks with us on walks and doesn’t roam? A few lessons with a skilled trainer knowledgeable about remote collars and you’ll be not only on your way toward resolving this problem but also likely to gain off leash reliability with your Husky. I tried taking him outside to practice, but he just runs around not caring about the zaps he receives. Signs, Dangerous thank you! Thank you for reaching out. I have an almost 1.5 Yr old German that I rescued and when I found her she was aggressive towards me and no one else. I truly enjoyed your artical and hope that there is some more insight you can give me inregards to helping Blue and myself with e-collar, or know of anyone local. Robin. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I want to point out there are many other considerations when working with aggressive dogs and I don’t suggest the average pet owner go it alone. If your husband wants to fix this behavior he’ll need to invest time building a relationship with the dog. The problem occurs on initial contact with other dogs, no barking just biting 99% of the time. She has severe aggressive possession issues. and Reward They often tend to be pushy and confident - they appear to be offensive, with their tails held high and eyes fixated on the other dog while growling and ready to attack. https://robinmacfarlane.com/possessive-behavior-in-dogs-can-be-prevented, Because he has already bit you I would suggest you find a professional who can help with this if possible. Hello! For the time being I would recommend you keep a light weight leash attached to her at all times so you can safetly get a hold of her and direct her away from problem situations. There are a number of tips about how to do that in 7 Tips for Stressfree Living with your Dog that you can download from this site. I think the remote collar is a very versatile tool for a number of uses. (M-F 6pm EDST Orders, Same Day The highest static energy that an electric training collar can emit is only up to 0.0003 in joules, compared to the common electric training and muscle stimulation devices that we humans use. She lunges at all the animals and she also lunges at people. http://www.truthaboutshockcollars.com/find-a-trainer-in-your-area/ The e-collar alone will not be the solution but it may be helpful with some of the problems. We only interrupt in minor ways to help the reactive dogs learn they can “move away” if they feel uncomfortable or we interrupt if someone is too pushy like mounting over the back behavior. My dog is a 3 year old black lab mix, we think it is some kind of terrier but we are unsure. If a person straps the e-collar on the dog, waits for the dog to be reactive and then pushes the button as a way to punish the reactive-ness, it is hard to say what the outcome will be. We live in Bellingham wa. She has not been aggressive towards me at all. Spray Refill, Replacement They can also teach you how to “trade” so that he can learn to drop what he has in exchange for something you give him (treat/toy). I’ve known her since she was born, and she has always been this way, and has never been mistreated. The collar is used to prompt attention and hold the dog attentive to command even in the midst of those *distractions* (Other dogs, people etc) that cause the dog to react with barking, lunging, snapping etc. Any information you can get from the organization where you adopted the dog could help you determine the best way to handle the situation. Good luck. My dvd’s can be found here http://www.thatsmydogstore.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=5, Good luck and let me know if I can be of further assistance. Often with resource guarding behavior the dog is not good with recalling away from coveted items or spaces, so the collar can be useful for those type purposes. Happy Holidays. My question is this: I was just told by a friend that she he fact that she’s doing better on all levels except no improvement with the aggression today ;actually a bit worse) is not a good sign. Hi Emily, FENCES WORK, Private First person that comes to mind in MD is George Cockrell. ORDER NOW for Next Business Day Shipping! It has to work, it’s my last resort. For instance you must train your dog to come to you when called. The dog should be introduced to the collar through the foundation and attention exercises of learning to follow on leash, come when called and stay in one place. He really is. Follow the instructions and do the conditioning work without a lot of distraction around, then begin to expose to more distraction as both you and your dog get the hang of it. In using the e-collar to help you train to overcome this behavior you FIRST need to do the e-collar conditioning exercises so that Chad understands how to properly respond to stimulation and command. He’s never shown aggression towards her or anyone when I first got him. The bite have also become unpredictable and directed at all family members. Hi my name is Etienne. However, it has been my experience that shock collars really shouldn't be used by amateurs. From our standpoint, as dog owners, it is embarrassing, and we often make it worse by being overly emotional in how we try to handle it. As in “That’ll teach Fido not to chase after other dogs!” Sorry but that thought process belongs in the idiots guide to dog training 101. I’d suggest a blood work up to make sure. Thanks for any help you can give me. you can find collars small enough to fit a 5/6 pound dog. Best regards, Check the find a trainer page here on the blog and if there is no one in your area, let me know and perhaps I can help you locate someone. You may want to call several veterinarians in your area for some referral possibilities. Recently, however, they have both been extremely aggressive towards the doodles, especially the male husky. I live in Covina, CA. It is a way to use tactile sensation to get a dog’s attention (which is what most people struggle with when a dog gets distracted) The remote collar also has an advantage in that it functions to get attention from much greater distance than other tools (leash/voice etc) All the said….I strongly believe that any pet owner dealing with aggressive behavior in their dog should get professional help. If the dog can’t walk politely past a dog who is 15 feet away, don’t push him to walk within 5 feet. Natalie. When I am home she is free to come inside, which helps. I would also recommend you keep a leash attached to his collar and allow him to drag it around the house. The pointer comes running up and my dog immediately starts running along side and then totally lights into the Pointer. I have a 16 month old Siberian Husky who is having issues with jumping up and nipping people. CATEGORY, BROWSE BY By you creating a more reliable response you can decide who he can and can not interact with and this should lessen the problems of him going after/picking on the weaker dogs. Plus, the obedience command with the help of the remote training collar should be proactively given before the dog behaves aggressively. Here you go: The underlying cause should be understood, the triggers identified and then a plan of treatment determined. A trained eye can run a group very well and it can make a dramatic difference for reactive dogs…but the key is having access to an already decent group of dogs with good social skills and having the skill to see potential for problems BEFORE they happen. I don’t blame the car for breaking down if I never maintain it. I’d suggest you find a professional trainer to help you both, put in 6 months of real effort and see where you are at that point before making a decision about rehoming. Take a look. Her aggression has just gotten worse over the years and I 100% know anxiety is involved as well. Is there a trainer in my area you could recommend? If he is heeling and then breaks the heel to chase a dog do I give a correction with the ecollar? I love all three and I will NEVER rehome any of my animals. Again, I suggest you find a professional to help you, but here are a few tips. Also, a quick note on dog behavior training territorial aggression: usually there are underlying dog aggression issues that accompany it. No positive rewards; A shock collar is only for punishment. At that time I already had a 3 year old rescue dog named daisy 25lbs. Individually, my dogs understand those commands. I have a 3 and a half year old Great Dane mix who is super sweet to us and is ok after a little while when guests come over but she’s extremely aggressive towards delivery people (to the point of trying to bite them) and we cannot catch her because she just tries to run away and yelling at her to come or stop hasn’t seemed to work. he is reactive to every triggor–dogs (esp those who are off leash who yap and run at him), mounted horses, bikes on road, cars and trucks. Brian Callin That kind of leadership and control maintains peace in a house where not all love each other. He is extremely hyper and when excited does not listen to anything you say! It is absolutely my opinion that using an e-collar properly will have no negative effect on your dogs personality. Absolutely NO free access to a bowl of food. You will also need to start some “trade” games to teach him to willingly give up items rather than protect them. He heels on command very well, unless another dog is around. This can change his mind about the need to guard resources also. Also, we live in the Toronto area, do you have any trainers that you could recommend? We’re great at following directions Do you think your cd is enough? I have a 4 year old male yorkie, we have been thru 2 different training programs, he will listen and obey commands we give him such as sit, stay, lie down, come here, everything is fine as long as no one comes to our house then all heck breaks loose he goes into attack mode, i have gotten him to lie down on his bed when people come to the home however would not ever be able to let him roam freely and no one would be able to go near him or he will suddenly lunge and bite try to bite them on the leg, as a last resort I was wondering if one of the training collars might help snap him out of this “attack mode” moments, as a last resort was thinking of trying one, do you have any advice on that? The e-collar can help you have better control of her behavior, but it will not teach your dog how to “get along” with other dogs, so just be aware of the limitations of the the training and tools. He used to go after my Mother for no reason and now he does the same with my Dad. I got a shock collar today but want to use it properly. You SHOULD NOT put the e-collar on and immediately use it in these challenging situations, that would set both of you up for failure. I need to know what I am looking for…..OR can you help me otherwise?? The e-collar is used to prompt attentiveness to the handler and the Heel command. Email :dogsonthego@earthlink.net, We just adopted a 3 year old German Shepard from a family who was moving and could not keep him , he weighs 91 pounds is non altered and is a really good dog except when he sees certain dogs , some dogs he will ignore and mind his business others he is totally uncontrollable, tonight he pulled my 19 year old daughter into the middle of a busy street to get at a dog , thank goodness rush hour was over. Raleigh, NC I test it on myself before ever putting it on my dog. He still growled and looked at him side eyed but it finally got to the point that he would lay by Tyler and actually let him pet him at one point. I don’t want to have to bring him back to the shelter but I cannot be afraid or have my kids afraid of our own dog. Indeed, I’ve had trouble with adults doing the same thing, even when I’m sitting out in the yard. I just uploaded a YouTube video about the topic today. There is generally a lot to a situation like this and without personally being there to observe, I’m hard pressed to advise. It can also be used to interrupt undesirable behavior such as the jumping up and mouthing. Hi Robin! She has been showing aggression towards me in particular when putting on or off her collar, resource guarding issues and strangely at the end of walks. The problem is that when other dogs come close to our kids on a walk, she gets aggressive. Do you have any suggestions? She barked and chased, but didn’t bite her. My boy Max has been through obedience an is very well trained except when off leash! I’m looking to see if e-collar training would work for our 9yr old chiwawa mix. If so I was wondering if you can shed some light on the subject. He has started biting me when I try to hold him when he is trying to do anything I don’t him to do. I thought he had been shot. I was wondering if you use e collars in dealing with aggression in dogs? Chargers, RESOURCES thanks so much for your help i really appreciate the advice. If your dog is attempting to bite other people you have a liability on your hands and it is simply not an easy matter for me to diagnose and suggest what to do based on this limited exchange of words. I can’t afford to pay a trainer thousands of dollars to work with her, but she’s a ham with people. It’s a very stressful situation. Finally, shock collars might make the dog more wary or aggressive towards the trainer if it used without positive reinforcement. 1 year ago we were walking in an area close to our neighborhood, and we were both attacked by a stray dog. However, when he gets to the chase point, it’s too late. Hi, I just had a question, I read through these responses and you say to not just put the collar on and wait for the dog to react and it makes sense, however what about now my dog knows commands, sit stand stay come leave it, etc BUT he obeys except for triggers when were out (other dogs, rabbit) so I want the collar to use when he disobeys the commands. Obedience training involves and is not limited to basic commands such as: The purpose of these obedience commands is to give the dog a “job” to focus on when a situation that potentially invites aggression, arises. I need her to “get the point” that she CANNOT jump or put her teeth on ANYONE, EVER. How ThatsMyDog.com and look under the Trainers School for a list of graduates to see if there is someone in your area. I’ll see if I can find someone. Most often though these problems represent a leadership problem in the house with one dog feeling a “right” to discipline or correct the other dog for some “infraction”. You can email Robin@robinmacfarlane.com. TYPE, Rent A Bark I am desperate to fix the problem because when she is not displaying these behaviour issues is a fantastically loving and loyal dog. Any help is greatly appreciated! He is a sweet dog with lots of love yet and protective. Now reading your article I don’t know how to use it and when to use it. Unfortunately it is what some people do. It sounds as though you have a very complex case. A dog’s thought must be interrupted rather than his action. Hi Cindy, Commonly, dogs who are aggressive towards other dogs are either anxious or just overly territorial. Hi Barbara, Both are fixed. Collar Articles, Downloadable Often there are underlying physical pain/discomfort issue that are not easily visible. Hi Robin, I have a two year old pit bull. and an American Pitbull Terrier/ English Staffordshire/ American Bull terrier mix. Secondly, he has now begun to eat feces of both his own and my pug when we let him outside, we do our best to pick it up every time they go but he just doesn’t listen. Which they live In the house but Duke lives full time in the basement with me and bucky is full time on the main level. Most trainers seem to be in agreement that shock collars should not be used with aggressive dogs. Chad is, and always has been an outside dog and has pretty much had his way until now. But if your dog has a persistent behavior that is limiting its ability to lead a happy, full life, then you may find that a shock collar can help. Hi, Robin She’s brilliant with people of all ages. The theory is that the dog will associate “pain” with the dogs or people in the immediate area and thus become more reactive. Have them access the dogs and I would also have a thorough vet exam to rule out any underlying physical problems. Great, thank you! He has gotten a little better about letting people into our house, but he will bark and growl when there is someone at the door and when we go camping he will lunge, bark, and growl at other dogs who walk by our campsite or our beach blanket.