The shortnose is an endangered species that lives mostly in the Potomac and Susquehanna Rivers and is sensitive to poor water quality. Florida Range: Northeast Atlantic coast and possibly the St. Johns River. It has a short, blunt, conical snout with four barbels in front of its large underslung mouth. Growth rate and maximum size vary with latitude, with the fastest growth occurring among southern populations. SHORTNOSE STURGEON. The shortnose sturgeon is the smallest of the three sturgeon species that occur in eastern North America, having a maximum known total length of 4.5 feet (143 cm). As such, it provides a rare opportunity to study population dynamics of shortnose sturgeon at the southern extent of the range of this spe-cies. The Shortnose Sturgeon takes up to six years to mature. The Lake Sturgeon doesn’t spawn until it is about 15 years old. They grow to about 56 inches and can weigh up to 15 pounds,but average closer to 10 pounds. The adult species of shortnose sturgeon can grow as large as 1.4 meters and weigh as much as 51 pounds. New Jersey's recreational state record Atlantic sturgeon, The shortnose sturgeon is the smallest of New York's sturgeons, rarely exceeding 3.5 feet in length and 14 pounds in weight. The shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, is often confused with a young Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus), but it differs by having a wider mouth and shorter snout.Its underhanging mouth is preceded by four barbels, which function as sensory organs similar to the "whiskers" of a cat-fish. To measure a sturgeon for total length, lay him down flat on his belly, and fold the tail down sideways. Size: Grow to between three and four feet in length. The shortnose sturgeon is the smallest of three species of sturgeon that occur in North America. The Lake Sturgeon also spawns along the rocky shoreline of lakes. In August 2004, a shortnose sturgeon was caught during a haul at the Oldman's Point station just Description. A dam-locked population of shortnose sturgeon is present in the Santee-Cooper Lakes, with spawning apparently occurring at least into the Congaree River below Columbia (Collins et al. This fish does not have scales but has five rows of bony plates … In contrast, Atlantic sturgeon reach an average mature length of 10 feet, but can grow to 15 feet and 800 pounds. Monitoring of the population in the Altamaha River from 2004 through 2010 identified shifts in size structure Then measure from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. Shortnose sturgeon spend most of their time in the brackish water of the estuary, moving upstream to fresher water to spawn. Status: Endangered (Florida); Endangered (Federal) Notes: Have a wider mouth and proportionally shorter snout than other two sturgeon species. This amazing fish has whisker like organs called barbels that the sturgeon uses to locate and vacuum up food. Over the duration of the Delaware River seine survey, only one sturgeon has ever been caught. The MADSAM Sturgeon Eco-physiology Laboratory (UNB Saint John) involves researchers who share a common interest in understanding the biology, behaviour and physiology of east-coast sturgeon species. of shortnose sturgeon in the southeastern United States (NMFS, 1998; SSSRT, 2010). Scientific Name: Acipenser brevirostrum. Surveys have recorded both adult shortnose sturgeon and juvenile Atlantic sturgeon in rather low numbers through 2001 (Collins and Smith 1996; Cooke and Leach 2004a). Size Shortnose sturgeon is the smallest sturgeon along the East Coast. Oh, and if you want to keep a sturgeon, keep in mind the minimum size is 120cm or 47.25 inches total length. The Atlantic Sturgeon doesn’t breed until it is at least 12 years old.