Oorah, Inc. was founded by Rabbi Chaim Mintz and is based in Lakewood. She's a former head chiller and when the school year ends, spends her summers working in TheZone, Oorah's summer camp. Advisory Board The jingle is decidedly cute and catchy, both annoying and familiar. GirlZone Opens summer camp in the Poconos First Shabbat with Oorah Weekend Retreat with 80 Participants. © 2021 Oorah Staten Island is a project of Oorah, a 501c3 organization. 1990. First Sukkahs Distributed in Tristate Area First Public Purim Seudah. She is always available and there for others. As founder and spiritual leader of the successful kiruv organization Oorah, he knows the kind of questions that searching Jews are asking. Facebook. Ask The Rabbi. There’s no law against using images unless it’s for idol worship. Her position in Torahspot includes making everyone feel comfortable and helping with the technicalities of the program. (Peter Gerber via AP), Hundreds of mourners gather in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 28, 2020, to observe a funeral for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, a Hasidic Orthodox leader whose death was reportedly tied to the coronavirus. His vision of a close knit community became a reality as the director and spiritual leader of Oorah. Rabbi Chaim Twerski & Rebbetzin Blimie Twerski ↑ Rabbi Michel, Rabbi Benzion, and Rabbi Chaim. Ask the Rabbi with Oorah’s founder Rabbi Chaim Mintz at 9 PM Get honest answers to candid questions Submit your questions to get them read out loud, live at asktherabbi@oorah.org **Special this week! Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a weekly Tuesday night class at Oorah's "Torah Spot" in Staten Island. The evening funeral, which was organized hastily in accordance with Jewish custom after Rabbi Chaim Mertz died on Tuesday afternoon, was publicized in a poster made by the rabbi’s synagogue, Tolath Yaakov. Harav Moshe Mintz, shlita, magid shiur in Yeshiva Ner Yisrael in Baltimore is seen walking in the streets of Yerushalayim with his brother, Harav Chaim Mintz… 2004. Volunteer Tutoring Program Begins. “This Funeral was originally approved and actually organized by @NYPDnews 2 hours b4 it started, PD brought trucks with barriers/tower lights to close off Bedford Avenue and the surrounding area. Question: Should we expect more violence? Rabbi Chaim Mintz. Time: 9:00 pm EST. Chaim loves golf! As founder and spiritual leader of the successful kiruv organization Oorah, he knows the kind of … Would you join our Community today? as well as his dynamic personality makes him the ultimate scholar in residence. Mertz did not address whether the NYPD was involved in the street closures, but a City Hall spokeswoman told the New York Post on Wednesday that no permits were issued for the funeral. Important Links. seeing the Nazi flags at the Capitol really alarmed me, should i be afraid? Oorah Inc is a non-profit Jewish organization providing year round activities and educational opportunities to … Rabbi Chaim Mintz is the perfect person to answer our questions. Rabbi Chaim Mintz teaches a weekly Torah class each Tuesday night, followed by an Ask the Rabbi session. This class is given weekly on Tuesday. With her patient and caring nature as well as a strong creative side, she enjoys developing friendships with people of all ages. Chaim Lampert Advanced Mentor. In a statement distributed to reporters, Jacob Mertz, a spokesman for the congregation that organized the funeral, said organizers had the streets closed for the funeral to allow mourners to participate while following social distancing guidelines. more rioting? If your job requires you to carry a gun you definitely can. 1999. (Reuven Blau/Twitter, via JTA), New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio addresses questions about the Police Department’s coordination with organizers of a large funeral in Brooklyn, April 29, 2020. Founded in 1979 by Rabbi Chaim Mintz… Ask The Rabbi - Directly following our weekly Torah class, Rav Chaim Mintz, addresses the Big Questions and sparkling insights of Judaism. אנכי ה’ אלקיך-An in-depth look into the mitzah of emunah עץ החיים עמוד רצג I am passionate about the natural world and disheartened by the dismal lack of awareness to environmental issues shown by most of the public and politicians in Israel. “Everyone on the street should have a mask,” a Shomrim member said in a video from before the funeral. The directive to wear masks was repeated by the Williamsburg Shomrim, a local patrol group run by Hasidic Jews, though videos from the scene clearly show some people without masks and within the proscribed 6 feet. Ask the Rabbi Q and A with Oorah’s founder Rabbi Chaim Mintz. David Greenfield, a former City Council member and CEO of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, said in a tweet that the police “wanted to work with the chasidic synagogue out of respect for their revered (and well-known) late Rabbi so they literally barricaded streets for this ‘socially distant funeral.’”, “The Chasidic synagogue wanted to honor their saintly rabbi so they came up with a misguided scheme for an outdoor ‘socially distant’ public funeral. Youtube. Directly following the weekly Torah class each Tuesday night, Rabbi Chaim Mintz hosts a stimulating Ask the Rabbi session. Rabbi Chaim Mintz’s Schedule. His passionate nature is brought out as the Managing Editor of ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications, a position that he's held for over two decades. “But absolutely I think we’ve been pretty consistent, Mr. Mayor … that there are to be no gatherings in New York City such as what we saw last night.”. Ask the Rabbi sessions following the Torah class are even more popular than ever. Denver Community Kollel Celebrates Chanukas Habayis in Southeast Denver with Rabbi Chaim Mintz This edifice has been in the making for decades. As The Times of Israel's environment reporter, I try to convey the facts and science behind climate change and environmental degradation, to explain - and critique - the official policies affecting our future, and to describe Israeli technologies that can form part of the solution. Facebook. As a Staten Island native, Aliza has strong ties to the community. Congregants later objected to the presence of Rabbi Chaim Mintz, the father of Oorah’s acting president Rabbi Eliyahu Mintz, as one of the judges on the beit din. Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Chaim Mintz.Please look inside. As a real people person, Mrs. Biderman has been teaching Home Economics to high schoolers for over two decades, and currently teaches second grade. Auction Extends to Israel. Executive Committee Rabbi Chaim Block S. Antonio, TX Rabbi Hesh Epstein Columbia, SC Rabbi Yosef Gansburg Toronto, ON Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan Potomac, MD Rabbi Yisrael Rice S. Rafael, CA Rabbi Avrohom Sternberg New London, CT. Jewish leaders and others said the mayor used language that singled out the entire Jewish community, which by and large has complied with social distancing guidelines. You know the tune: one-eight seven seven kars 4 kids. He has a close relationship with Rabbi Chaim Mintz and ran Oorah events and programs even before Torahspot began. He runs the Ask the Rabbi segment Tuesday nights, sets up the audio and live-stream and asks the incoming online questions. Oorah Inc is a non-profit Jewish organization providing year round activities and educational opportunities to … He seems happy living in Milwaukee despite being from Miami! Oorah Inc is a non-profit Jewish organization providing year round activities and educational opportunities to … He's also in charge of making the popcorn! One Twitter account called Satmar Headquarters, but not known to be affiliated with any official organ of the Satmar Hasidic community in Williamsburg, said police had approved the funeral and helped coordinate the procession. Spiritual Leader and Advisor As the founder and director of Oorah, Rabbi Chaim Mintz has taught, nurtured, and guided many thousands of families and individuals over the years. Navigation Menu; MENU; My Account. They were so convinced they could pull this off they COORDINATED with NYPD and even handed out masks.”. Rabbi Chaim and Rebbetzin Blimie Twerski returned from Toronto to Milwaukee in August 2011 to join together with his father Rabbi Benzion and his Grandfather Rabbi Michel as assistant rabbi. All participants will be entered into the raffle: Camera on = win $250! We understand Mayor Bill de Blasio’s frustration and his speaking out against the gathering. | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz. Some are questioning whether the police could have done more to stop the public procession before the crowd grew into the hundreds or thousands. She’s been with Oorah since 2006 and has shown her dedication to making Torahspot the Jewish community hub that it is. Rabbi Mintz is actively involved in all aspects of Oorah's programs nationwide. Police response pic.twitter.com/KcVZYV9C2s, — Reuven Blau (@ReuvenBlau) April 29, 2020. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio issued a tweet in which he addressed “the Jewish community,” saying “the time for warnings has passed” and announcing that the police would be arresting or issuing summonses to those who gather in large groups. How to Contact Us: Congregation Beth Jehudah 3100 North 52 nd Street Milwaukee, WI 53216-3280 (414) 442-5730 (Voice) (414) 214-7360 (FAX) E-Mail the Shul Office at: bethjehudah@sbcglobal.net E-Mail the Webmaster at: Webmaster@Bethjehudah.org with suggestions, corrections, comments. Asked for further detail on the plans made by the police with local community leaders, a spokeswoman declined to comment beyond Shea’s remarks at the news conference. “We shall note that everyone followed the police officers’ orders and the vast majority wore masks. Aliza's warmth and love of life, combined with her responsible and empathetic nature makes her the perfect person to fill the role of Jewish Little Star Preschool director. 100% of your donation is processed directly through the organization's banking. Join Class. She was first introduced to Oorah through her husband and assisted with Oorah Shabbatons and running workshops for women and programs for children. “I regret if the way I said it in any way gave people the feeling of being treated the wrong way,” he said. WATCH: SHARE. Oorah | 9,539 followers on LinkedIn. 5 talking about this. Get Notified About Rabbi Chaim Mintz’s Upcoming Classes . I'm proud to be doing my part to keep The Times of Israel's readers properly informed about this vital subject. By causing Avraham to have trouble burying Sarah the Satan was trying to eliminate … Rabbi Chaim Mintz. Rabbi Chaim Mintz: Founder and Director of Oorah Rabbi Chaim Mintz is behind it all. A native of Scranton, PA, Rabbi Mintz underwent over a decade of Rabbinical training at Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, MD. 6 talking about this. (Screenshot from YouTube), A New York City police officer keeps watch as hundreds of mourners gather in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 28, 2020, to observe a funeral for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, a Hasidic Orthodox leader whose death was reportedly tied to the coronavirus. His down-to-earth and practical responses allows all participants to ask any question they’d like. Rabbi Avrohom Biderman has been involved with Oorah for nearly 40 years. Rabbi Chaim Mintz is the perfect person to answer our questions. On Tuesday night, hundreds of Orthodox Jews gathered for a rabbi’s funeral in Brooklyn, showing apparent disregard of public social distancing guidelines. 4 talking about this. Inauguration 2021 - should we be scared? Eruv status line: (414) 444-ERUV (3788) Always insightful, always surprising, and always entertaining, come with your questions ready or listen to the enlightening answers. “Unfortunately, this didn’t pan out, and NYPD had to disperse the crowds,” the statement said. Rabbi Chaim Mintz is behind it all. JTA — The images were striking, the mayor had strong words and the backlash was swift. Rayze.it is a commission-free platform. Follow their account to see all their photos and videos. “Plans were put in place, a detail was put in place … contingency plans were put into place, a number of officers were detailed in the unlikely event that large numbers came and we thought that was a possibility,” Shea said. Your support, through membership in The Times of Israel Community, enables us to continue our important work. While the location changed from Torahspot in Staten Island to a virtual class, dozens are staying inspired through the live stream class each week. Join Ask the Rabbi for a chance to win big! Chaim’s nuts - he almost bought his own driving range!!! That contact, he said, came “within minutes” of the rabbi’s death. His vision of a close knit community became a reality as the director and spiritual leader of Oorah. Join Oorah families for an event with popular singer Yaakov Shwekey, plus all of our program favorites including a dynamic session of Ask the Rabbi with HaRav Chaim Mintz, Oorah’s founder, menorah lighting and a Chanukah sing-along, Torah Trivia, an interactive Zone game, and a special performance by the Little Star preschool. It’s the @NYCMayor’s Dept who originally approved it before deciding to take it back,” the tweet said. Oorah's mission is to give Jewish children and families a chance to have a share in our heritage. Videos posted to Twitter showed police telling mourners over a loudspeaker to move off the street and onto the sidewalk. Call: 800-311-3818 or 917-755-3775. Rabbi Efraim Mintz Brooklyn, NY. Hear from Rabbi Chaim Mintz as he addresses this child’s question last week at Ask the Rabbi Live at Torah Spot in Staten Island. The poster included a map of the funeral route on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg and advised mourners that anyone attending the funeral must wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart from others. (Peter Gerber via AP), Already a member? Rabbi Chaim Mintz has 13 posts on their Instagram profile. http://www.oorah.org Rabbi Chaim Mintz founder of Oorah visits Rabbi Dovid Soloveichik on his recent trip to israel. Rabbi Mintz’s years of experience in education and community outreach (over 50 years!) Another video posted by Blau showed police barriers in the background, suggesting that officers had helped close off the street for the funeral. After founding the organization in Staten Island, Oorah expanded with a vast range programs throughout the country. Twitter. As said, we thought that the procession will be in accordance with the rules, and we apologize that it turned out otherwise.”. After founding the organization in Staten Island, Oorah expanded with a vast range programs throughout the country. Linkedin. 1980. R' Biderman enjoys writing, meeting many wonderful people from the Staten Island community, and greeting Torahspot participants. Rabbi Chaim Mertz (Facebook) “The Chasidic synagogue wanted to honor their saintly rabbi so they came up with a misguided scheme for an outdoor ‘socially distant’ public funeral. Mrs. Chaye Biderman is the other half of this indomitable couple. Camera off = win $100! Police Commissioner Dermot Shea acknowledged at a news conference Wednesday that members of his department were in contact with Hasidic community leaders to discuss “what to expect at that location” ahead of the funeral. Chaim runs a very successful property management business. Wish Lists; About; Contact Us; Policies Shopping Basket (0) $ 0.00. “Everybody go home, it is finished, there’s going to be traffic coming down the street,” a police officer said in one video posted by Reuven Blau, a reporter for the local outlet The City. Even his five-year-old has a golden swing. Day-to-day operations are overseen by his son, Rabbi Eliyohu Mintz of New Jersey. © 2020 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved, Peter Gerber, via AP, shows a New York City police officer keeping watch as hundreds of mourners gather in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 28, 2020, to observe a funeral for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, a Hasidic Orthodox leader whose death was reportedly tied to the coronavirus, Main image by Peter Gerber, via AP, shows a New York City police officer keeping watch as hundreds of mourners gather in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 28, 2020, to observe a funeral for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, a Hasidic Orthodox leader whose death was reportedly tied to the coronavirus, Haredi Orthodox Jews gather in Brooklyn for the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Mertz, April 28, 2020. Classes by this speaker. 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