Before you move out on your grand adventure, you may wish to prepare yourself with new equipment. When you crack the door of the vault, Leldon will appear behind you and insist on attacking. If you haven’t already spoken to the painter in Blacklake, do so and get him to paint a picture of Shandra, then buy it for more than the asking price. Georg wants you to find at least five militiamen and tell them to report to the field on the far side of town. It’s just like that one part in Evil Dead, but with less Three Stooges references. Batha will eventually shapeshift into an Earth Elemental, so be ready for that eventuality. In point of fact, he won’t even know many critical spells, like Fireball. Level him up in whatever you choose. Even a multiclassed fighter/cleric will often be a better choice than a paladin. It’s difficult to rest here, but it IS possible. If you head out to the shop, Hagen will send his daughter away, and you’ll all have to wait for the thugs to show up. Khulmar will mark the location of a clan of fire giants on your map, and tell you that that’s where the belt is located. If you check your journal, you’ll discover that there’s a new leader of the lizardmen that is influencing them in some strange way. Move through the room and kill all of the Bone Spiders that attack you - it can be difficult to maneuver due to the tight corridors. If you head directly north from where Onan is located, you’ll be able to fight off this beast. When the fight’s over, he’ll reveal that his clan is indeed holding the emissary, and begs you not to kill him, supposedly so he can continue to rule over the half-dozen orcs you haven’t killed. Enchanted armor causes wearer to gain acid resistance of 10, which means they ignore the first ten points of damage from any acid source. Burglars: Directly south of Moire’s house (in the northwestern corner of the city), in a small alley, you’ll stumble across a pair of burglars. You can feel free to make that chaotic good drow ranger that dual-wields scimitars if you wish, but you will definitely lag far behind your traveling companions if you do so. Magical arms and armor aren’t created out of nothing, like wondrous items. If your influence with her is appreciable, she’ll act as a character witness one last time. When you reach the documents, a named NPC will be standing behind some crates, chucking grenades at your party. : An anonymous source. He’ll obviously accuse you of the crime (justly, we might add), and demand that you be arrested. Unfortunately we forgot to do so when we played through the first time; we’ll update this guide when we have a chance to do so again. We’ll deal with most of them in our Followers chapter, but for the moment, here’s a rundown of the Qara event: These two young wizardlings shouldn’t be difficult to eliminate. She can’t use armor, but she can wear robes, so try to find her a decent set of threads when possible and supplement her low AC with Bracers of Defense or Amulets of Natural Defense. (We’ll talk more about that incident in the On Duskwood Ridge sub-quest below.) These ores have special characteristics that may come in handy against certain opponents, such as when you have to use silver against werewolves. It quickly becomes apparent that they’re loco. Speak to Judge Oleff in the Temple of Tyr in Neverwinter to pick this one up in Chapter I. +1: Weapon, Faint Earth Essence, Obsidion. Don’t bother building this right away; it’ll automatically be constructed for free at the beginning of Act III. When you join the fight, cast your elementals to distract the golems, and focus on taking them out while Ammon recites the True Name. It has a huge amount of damage reduction to any sources of damage except for the sword (something like 25/-), but you may be able to use Khelgar to overwhelm it if you want to use him as a secondary attacker. Keep in mind that selecting all of these choices won’t let you arrest the bad guys; they’ll know you’re a fake and attack you before you get to that point. Better to keep him than to leave him behind, in our opinion; there are some tough fights ahead. Time to get your fire on! For a smooth conversation, tell him that the Illefarn are dead, and avoid mentioning that you know Ammon Jerro. A few of Arval’s minions will follow you, including his monks and probably his rogue characters, but he and his wizards will probably stay where they are, allowing you to divide and conquer. If you speak to the merchant here in camp, he’ll make you a trade: he has the recipe for a potion that offers giant strength to its imbiber, but he needs powdered adamantine in order to make it. These stalwart warriors are one of the most solid classes in the game, even if they do come off as feeling a bit generic. Don’t Count Out The Humans A human character might not be as exotic a choice as a half-orc or a deep gnome, but they’re solid nonetheless, and oftentimes their bonuses will be more useful than the specialized races. You can sometimes rest indoors if you get far enough away from the enemies.) They’ll also improve the appearance of the keep as you walk around. If you like, you can also head back to Highcliff and turn in the various sub-quests that you picked up (oddly enough, no one takes notice of Slaan running around). She’ll immediately join your party, and probably get some level-ups in the process. This is a triggered action; no need to do anything special. The last room will hold a convocation of a lizardling shaman and perhaps six of his followers. Merchant’s Shop (10,000): Allows you to recruit a merchant. Two Leather Hides, Faint Water Essence, Fire Opal. It’ll lead you to a room where a number of Greater Shadows will attack you; you should be able to take most of the ones close to you out before the Nightwalker in the pit below you notices you. Wondrous Items are magical items that are created whole; these aren’t enchantments that are laid onto already existing items. Regardless, put your strongest fighters right next to the shadow priest, and they’ll get attacks of opportunity on most of his spellcastings, so he shouldn’t take overly long to go down. They seem innocent enough. Dispel Spells: Dispel Magic will work on positive buffs that have been cast on friendly characters. Garius will appear before you and tempt most of your teammates with promises of power, wealth, etc. If you want to find as much information as you possibly can before your trial (and you should), here are some people to talk to. Vale’s marker for the exit to the castle is located on the world map, so loot all the bodies in the exterior and head back to the farms to reach the world map. Lastly, she’ll show up near the quarry of the Keep for the final duel. Since modifiers are free, they should be used pretty much all the time, so a computer-controlled warlock will be far less effective than a human-controlled warlock will be. Robbers: If you check near where Caleb was previously standing, you’ll find some robbers. What’s more, they’ll buy back items from you and pay you up to 20,000 GP for the best items that you find, so you’ll want to save your best loot and sell it to them. The main ways in which a barbarian differs from a fighter class is in their hit die (d12 as opposed to d10, which means more hit points at each level-up) and their ability to enter a rage state, which nets you large bonuses to your Strength and Constitution for a short period of time. For the latter, select "These bodies deserve funeral rites" and "no one deserves to be piled here like this" to get a good shift in influence with Casamir. You can rest inside the warehouse, so long as you’re a decent distance away from your foes. After equipping yourself with the crossbow from the barrel and taking some practice shots, you'll be told to take potshots at the bottles and jars mounted on the crates nearby. (If you ever see an option for a speechcraft that you know you’re good at, it’ll usually be best to select that instead of one of these.). Here are some of the things that you can improve. Unfortunately, as soon as you return to the Fort, Vallis will meet you outside the walls and relive Tann of command. If you speak to Uthanck’s shaman, Ilrah, he’ll tell you that Gruumsh, the Orcish god, has predicted that you will lose your left foot in battle. Galen is also up here; he and his guards are likewise being attacked by the beasts, who are looking for something that they call the Kalach-Cha. and takes off. Abilities aren’t that much better than a fighter/wizard multiclass. Lastly, your area-of-effect spells, like Fireball, will hit your teammates when they’re caught in the radius of effect. If Elemental B is still alive, it’ll provide a perfect buffer for Ammon while he recites the True Name ritual. This isn’t a quest, but it will get you some backstory to the game, and what’s happening in the Mere, if you agree to follow her. Luckily, you can modify your blasts with shapes that either allow you to hit multiple targets with your blast or invoke an essence that lends your attacks secondary effects, besides the plain old damage. Head to the City Watch hall in the Market District to speak to Grayson. Go figure! Congratulations on finishing one heck of long game! On the second floor, the first door you come to reveals a man named Ribsmasher, who appears to be a combat-loving monk. Don’t forget to activate one of Grobnar’s songs; Inspire Courage will help increase your attack and damage quite a bit. This time, though, they’re allied with...a human? Unfortunately, the Blacklake District is shut off from you at the moment. You can find her in Port Llast later on. If you speak to Vallis, who stands outside the stone section of the fort, he’ll tell you that the previous commander, Tann, went out to look for one of the patrols that went missing and never returned himself. When he’s dead, grab his loot and move the lever here. The utility of this depends on your mood; personally, we hated knowing that our characters would be using up charges on powerful items without our direct say-so, so we turned this option off. You can’t free them otherwise. They won’t attack - for now. With the portal open, check the area for any items or loot that you may have missed, then head through it. When you speak to the devil, emphasize that you don’t trust him any more than Neeshka does to get some cheap influence. Whether it’s the arcane loremaster studying books in his magical tower or a stalwart adventurer casting Magic Missiles at an orc, wizards are to be found throughout Faerun. We ignored Parry for the most part, as it's purely a reactive ability and thus won't be much use while you're trying to backstab your opponent. You’ll gain 2,000 XP for completing the fortifications on the keep, and another 2,000 for cementing the two alliances. The guard outside is livid, but levelheaded enough to point you towards the Merchant District, where Marshal Cormick is speaking to one of the mucky-mucks in charge of the Watch. Still, extra charisma and wisdom are very helpful. They’re automatically hostile to you, so track them down and kill them. The other four statues are all underground, but before you explore any of the structures in the area, it’d be wise to clear out the land of any remaining goblins, orcs, and ogres. What you have to do is guide them by turning the lights on and off. Send an Elemental at it and True Name it to finish it off. You can question him thoroughly, if you like, and he has plenty of information of you. From there, you can ask him about Neeshka or Elanee; if you have enough influence with him, he’ll admit that they’re handy to have around in a fight, and that will qualify as passing the trial. Although you might turn your nose up at the thought of bringing a Bard along on your travels, he will be pretty handy at crafting some items. If you don’t want to bring him into battle, head back to the Sunken Flagon and switch him out again. It greatly reduces your Constitution score with its poison, and you can’t rest in this area, so be sure to have Zhjaeve use Restoration on anyone affected. Offing him is a minorly evil act, but doing so will let you pick up some Mithril Chainmail (which acts as light armor instead of medium armor) and a Fiery Stoneaxe +1, which is basically a two-handed axe that deals an extra two fire damage on each successful hit. With that done, return to Mayne and report your success. You’ll soon run into goblins - lots of goblins. Baalbisan: The Torment of Baalbisan Baalbisan is the first demon you encounter. BlizzCon 2021: Biggest Announcements And Full BlizzConline Schedule, Want To Write For GameSpot In 2021? Alchemy will be more useful when you come across an animal part. It’s up to you. Bring them back and walk towards the landslide to do exactly that. For the most part, if you’ve been playing D&D for a long time, you’re going to know the spells that you will be casting over and over again: Flame Arrow, Fireball, Stoneskin, Magic Missiles, Bull’s Strength, Meteor Swarm, etc. One spellcaster, Caster A, should cast a Summon Creature spell while standing against the wall. As you probably expect, this is going to end up in a fight, so you’ll be forced to kill the Shadow Priest as well as the Zombie Adventurers around him, who are much tougher than normal zombies. When he does, the two lesser spellcasters will quickly follow suit, being more dangerous on offense than on defense. Elanee is a druid, and the third character that you’ll come across in your travels. You should start with the fire giants. Although she can cast more spells per day than a wizard, she won’t be able to actually learn as many spells for her spellbook, so you won’t have as much flexibility. Technically, you don’t have to clear the place out, but as always, the lure of experience and loot will likely drive you on. Qara’s fairly restricted in her choices of equipment. Fighters are an excellent class for players who want to use all the magical weapons that you find throughout the game. As you may suspect if you thoroughly interrogated the devil, there are going to be some tough fights ahead, so rest up, recast all of your buffs, and save before moving on. Each of them will leave behind some loot, including a quarterstaff for Amie. This Githzerai cleric will join you midway through Act II, and will be a welcome addition to most adventuring party due to her ability to cast divine spells. It’s time to finish off the Githyanki threat once and for all. If you've ever played World of Warcraft, then you might as well think of inspirations as being effectively similar to a Paladin's aura abilities; when activated, they remain active and give all the characters in the party some small benefit, such as increased attack rolls or DC, or affect all enemies with a negative effect. Guyven is located beyond the second wall, and will give you a nice XP bonus for talking to him. He’s shady, to be sure, but there’s no reason to really turn him away, so far as we can tell. When you have your equipment sorted out, buff yourself thoroughly, and use the short-duration spells last. Keros will turn you out on your tail and refuse to speak with you; he and Khelgar definitely seem to share some ill blood. The easternmost room here has a sarcophagus and a lever. It didn’t take much coaxing to convince him to join our alliance at the Keep. When you head to Ember, move the wyrmsage to a quickslot, and use it on the scattered bodies there. Use it whenever you feel like you’re entering a dangerous situation, and when you don’t want to have to create a full save. When you return to Uthanck, you can choose to tell him about Ghellu’s death for 1,500 XP. Cut through the wolves, free Alex and Andrew, then decide whether or not you’re willing to lie to their parents for them. When you loot the bodies and speak to Vale again, you’ll automatically warp back to Neverwinter, where you’ll encounter Zhjaeve, a Githzerai cleric that will join your party. Beat his minions to move on. When you’re ready to move on, you can sell your items to the innkeeper and leave the Inn. Uncus is a NPC merchant who offers to set up shop near Kana, should you be willing to agree to turn the other cheek as to how he acquires his merchandise. Speak to Retta Starling, the woman in the red dress, to start the Tourney of Talent. Buff yourself for battle, then head out into the ruined town. You can make grenades with it, but they’re usually only good for small effects. Return to the Keep to report your success to Nevalle, as well as report all of your ore findings to Catrina. Nix You Nix Me Nix Nature: Answer is Death 8 Death 9 Death 5. Bards are decidedly not for beginners or powergamers. If you tell Neeshka that you aren’t there as scavengers, you’ll lose some influence with her but gain some with Khelgar. Regardless, when you enter combat with Yaomig, have everyone start wailing on him, ignoring his friends. I promise to pay it forward. Each of the bodies will disappear as you sprinkle your fairy dust on them. You’ll be able to immediately warp there, if you like. It takes a while, though, so it may be easier to just run Neeshka across the rails. You’ll have to fight your way through a few rounds of Mephits to proceed. Two levels of ranger will net you martial weapons proficiency, a favored enemy, and either the Rapid Shot or Two-Weapon Fighting feat, making this a neat little package for the classes that don’t get many feats to choose from.