Compulsive behaviors, such as over-grooming or excessively scratching or biting; How to Train a Cat. The only way to control it is by giving your cat something else to scratch, such as a scratching post. Your cat … someplace you’re happy to have your cat scratch up – like a cat tree or a scratch post!). A cat scratch or bite can turn into a serious injury, so the best thing you can do as a responsible cat owner is prevent a scratch from happening! How to train a cat not to scratch you In the case of the cat, the biting and scratching tendencies mostly depend on the attitude and reaction of the owner. My Cat Will Not Use the Scratching Post. Cat “trees,” or furniture made for indoor cats to scratch, climb, and explore, are excellent ways to keep your cat entertained. Whether you scold or laugh, these reactions can encourage the pet to continue doing the behavior, because, after all, our pets want to make us happy. However, there’s a chance she’ll ignore you. Day 6: By this point, your cat should not be trying to scratch your sofa anymore, but if she is, consider adding the product Feliway to your anti-scratching arsenal. Training techniques that encourage your kitty to scratch elsewhere instead (i.e. Scratching is a common, but unwelcome, activity engaged in by all cats. Below you’ll find tips on how to stop a cat from destroying your furniture. Kittens begin to scratch at around eight weeks old, so start training your cat when it's young by providing scratching posts or stands. Your cat will learn to sharpen their nails using the scratching post when you are there, but when left alone, it's another story. You are advised to provide a scratching post from day one, and you must ensure your cat learns how to use it.If you do this, your sofas will have 2 or 3% more added to their life span!. According to Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, there are several reasons why cats are inclined to scratch. Most new cat owners scratch their heads on how to solve this problem, so I decided to lend a hand. Every cat is different, and training can be … 1 First, they have scent glands under their paw pads, and scratching is a way of claiming their territory. Climbing. It will take patience and time, but you can teach your cat that you prefer not to be the target of its attacks, even if the cat views it as playtime. They offer a human-approved way for your cat to … Many cat experts say declawing feline forefeet should only be a last resort, after nonsurgical solutions have been exhausted. When the owners don’t provide appropriate training and show mixed attitudes at different times for scratch, the cat gets confused and continues its malpractices. How to Stop Biting and Scratching . How to Train a Cat Not to Scratch and Bite Many behaviors we don’t appreciate in our pets often stem from being rewarded for the behavior in some form. These “trees” often include platforms for your cat to rest on, along with interesting poles and columns to climb. My colleague asked me this question a day after she got a cat for the first time. Sometimes if a cat is in the habit of biting and scratching, it's difficult to train it out of this behavior. The first thing you should try to do is figure out why your cat is scratching people (or other cats). ; Digging into furniture also feels good to cats because it allows them to stretch their muscles. How do you train a cat not to scratch furniture? For best results, and to train your cat to not scratch furniture in a … If you want your cat to keep its claws intact, but don't want shredded furniture, you must first understand why cats scratch in the first place, then take appropriate get the cat to stop scratching the furniture. Cats aren’t known for being easy to train, but it isn’t impossible. Cats enjoy climbing to high places. This location provides a cat with an elevated vantage point. If you’re lucky, your cat will be willing and eager to learn your commands. Feliway is a product that mimics the feline facial pheromone that makes cats feel calmer.