One of the personalities featured in the film, Perry O’Bree, has created an interesting, Multiple Alopecia Trials for Aclaris (3/16/18), Aclaris Therapeutics, the company who acquired the rights from Angela Christiano to use JAK inhibitors in alopecia disorders, is currently involved in a wide range of alopecia trials. Then you can adjust the amount of how much you’d like to contribute; Patreon will call this a “monthly contribution”, however you can cancel your pledge after one month, hence making it a one-time pledge. Top scientists in the anti-aging industry, such as David Sinclair, have been, Shiseido Begins Second RCH-01 Clinical Trial (10/14/20), In a very a surprising development, Shiseido has begun a second clinical trial of Replicel’s RCH-01 dermal sheath cup cell therapy. The, “Filing of a Special Protocol Assessment with FDA for the phase III program for Clascoterone solution 7.5% in males, Due to COVID-19, approximately three month interruption in the recruitment of subjects in phase II trial of Clascoterone solution in females”, Kintor Pharmaceuticals Develops KX-826 (5/27/20, HST 001 / HSC Trial Now Recruiting (5/20/20), Histogen Eyes Trial In June 2020 (5/19/20), Fat Stem Cell Extract Making News For Hair Growth (5/18/20). This now accounts for about 6 months of lost time. View, Existing Drug For Osteoporosis Holds Promise For Hair (5/9/18), New Understanding of Gray Hair Cause (5/8/18), Researchers from the NIH and the University of Alabama, Birmingham have discovered a connection between the body’s innate immune regulation and hair graying. One of the more interesting facets of the, NFL Hall of Fame player Deion Sanders has recently undergone a hair transplant. A significant part of my practice involves both men and women who are seeking solutions to their hair loss," said Richard Chaffoo, plastic surgeon and founder of La Jolla Hair … Among the significant updates in the newsletter is the mentioning of a crowdfunding campaign video which is ‘ready to go.’, Brotzu Speaks on Final Countdown (2/19/18), Follicum’s new phase 2a study for the scalp has been approved by the German Medicines Agency. HairClone Responses From Paul Kemp (8/9/19), Regarding The Latest Dr. Tsuji Talk (8/7/19), For starters, there is a Japanese Youtuber name “Youngjet” who posted a. I asked Youngjet who met Tsuji a month ago about this and according to him, this is false. injected mice with a naturally occuring chemical called resiniferatoxin which is derived from a cactuc-like plant. Alopecia areata, which causes … The finasteride polymer microspheres first made headlines in late 2019 after a peer-reviewed study showed favorable results, although in mice. $300,000) when the product does reach the market. Histogen. No statistical data was shared in, Gene Therapy To Keep Hair Growing In The Works (11/30/20), Dermal Papilla Cell Induction Research (11/24/20), Researchers in China led by a group from Hunan University have published an interesting new study on the process of inducing dermal fibroblast cells into dermal papilla-like cells. Subjects of the trial received oral doses of the drugs over a 6 month period. However, I was expecting the product to launch with a full data set available, and without one there’s not enough evidence to get involved. YOFOTO will be leading clinical trials for Replicel’s tendon repair (RCT-01) and skin rejuvenation (RCS-01) therapies in China. Here’s to hoping for positive results from this trial and expediency in beginning a phase 2b or phase 3 trial for setipiprant. An increasingly common use entails using microneedling or skin puncturing for better … Women Pay More Than Men for Common Hair Loss Medication Minoxidil Minoxidil foam is a hair loss remedy that has been most commonly used. My, Follica Before And After Photos In 2019 (11/22/19), $25 Million Investment Into Next-Gen Hair Loss Cure (11/17/19), Cassiopea Pursues Breezula For Women (11/14/19), Product Lineup From Applied Biology (11/5/19), Taking A Look At Regenera Activa (10/28/19). This work is indeed an effort at creating hair follicles outside the body, commonly referred to as “hair cloning.” The poster is likely the first public update L’Oreal has made on the subject of hair cloning since announcing their collaboration with the Poietis company in 2016. The press release is titled, A new article from the Japanese media outlet. secrete  extracellular vesicles (EVs) which play an important role in cell to cell communication. HairClone Offers Follicle Banking (8/2/19), Transplant Surgeon Trialing New Injection Therapy (7/31/19), The Ultimate Guide gannt chart has gotten a full overhaul for August 2019. Follicum Plans Next Clinical Trial (10/2/19), WAY-316606 Product In The Works (9/30/19), One of the biggest news announcements of the year came this past week as we learned that Giuliani Pharma is now actively developing a product based on the WAY-316606 research. I’ll update any news I receive regarding announcements made at the Congress. The company has even initiated a phase 2 trial specifically for women which is testing Breezula against the status quo 2% minoxidil solution. Robert Jones and Jonathan Huber of the. As they alluded to following the release of the first trial’s results, Shiseido will be testing the efficacy of RCH-01 after repeated doses this time around. This would make the second trial of RCH-01 which failed to create a “wow” factor and many might have guessed it would be the last, however, Shiseido seems to say otherwise. Get the latest science news with ScienceDaily's free email newsletters, updated daily and weekly. The funds will be used to support the company’s ongoing mission to set up an MHRA licensed facility to expand dermal papilla cells in. I’ve said it before and will say it here again, your gratitude for these potential treatments and the people behind them is vital and will brighten your day if you practice it on a regular basis. Their webpage mentions the use of “stem cell culture solution-derived proteins” for hair growth cosmetic products. Make a commitment to gratitude. I just received an email sharing a new Trinov website: Happy Thanksgiving + New Article (11/22/18), Follicle Thought is interested in connecting with scientists and startups who are working on hair growth or hair loss prevention research. All that’s left are two more return visits for patients to take photographs and complete other routine health tests. A very kind and talented hair blogger from Japan, Kerastem Reports Successful Phase 2 (12/09/17), Kerastem, a company developing an autologous fat-derived stem cell therapy for hair growth, has reported positive data from their phase 2 trial. The stem cell extract receiving group showed a 14.2% increase in hair diameter, compared to the placebo group which showed a 6.3% increase. I will remain neutral and plan on observing the reaction of its Korean release through NGF social media over the next several months before any further updates. Two long-time readers decided to give back to Follicle Thought this month and it’s much appreciated. The discovery was centered around two proteins; one of the proteins, Krox20, was deemed essential for hair follicle formation, and the other, stem cell factor, was necessary for hair pigmentation. As is the case in virtually all research fields, the best hair growth technologies are discovered by smaller startups and research labs. Hair loss happens in genetically vulnerable people when testosterone is transformed into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Starting in July 2018 Tsuji’s method will again be tested in the backs of mice and if all goes well clinical trials will begin in 2019. Their website mentions the use of stem cell-derived growth factors to to be used in the products. on October 8th, Follicum has completed the enrollment of 200+ male patients who will be administering different concentrations of the peptide FOL-005 or placebo once daily over a period of four months. I’m looking forward to the Chinese phase 2 results. When the body’s immune system is dealing with a pathogenic infection such as bacteria or virus, molecules called interferons will send out signals to the body to take action against the pathogen. Previously, Allergan invested $3M into Stemson back in June of 2019. This is great news and means that the trial is on schedule to be completed by the end of the year. The interaction of these two proteins leads to stimulation of the Wnt pathway, which then initiates hair follicle neogenesis. Today marks the first day of the 2nd half of 2018. A few questions are beginning to be raised for Shiseido, also with the focus shifting onto the hair multiplication companies it now becomes a question of which approach is most likely to work. I counted 6 clinical trials in progress on their pipeline page. In the article, I received commentary from CEO Paul Kemp on what led him to start the company and the scientific evidence to support its therapy. The, Phase 3 Trial For Alopecia Areata Planned (4/8/20), Concert Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company focused on the repurposing of approved drugs, recently announced plans to initiate two phase 3 trials for its alopecia areata program. This, Researchers From India Create Artificial Hair Follicle (8/5/18). I hope you’re all having a good Friday and feeling good out there. The annual World Congress for Hair Research kicks off today in Kyoto, Japan. A one-time pledge to my donation page would make a difference in my life and be very appreciated. It’s no wonder that it took Samumed roughly 15 months to fill up enrollment for this pivotal, Investors For Breakthrough Hair Growth Therapies (2/27/20), The demand for a new effective hair growth treatment is at an all-time high in 2020. There are several interesting presentations being done on virtually all facets of hair science and medicine. Replicel also states they are committed to using their dermal injector device (RCI-01) for future hair growth and skin rejuvenation trials, but do not mention any specific plans to conduct trials in the near future. I haven’t been able to watch it yet but am searching for a solution for those of us abroad to view the episode. Replicel Posts Commentary On Shiseido RCH-01 Trial (3/23/20), Today, Replicel issued a press release in reaction to Shiseido’s publication of its RCH-01 trial results in the JAAD journal on March 5th. The proposed start date of December 2019 was given by J. Hewitt’s CEO Jon Knight who shared this information with Follicle Thought, Fuji Kagurazaka (admin of Hair Loss Cure Japan, I have recently been in contact with CEO Jon Knight to get clarity on the cause of the delay and current status of the trial. In the release, Replicel maintains a positive attitude towards the results which were shown and points out possibilities for improving the treatment’s administration in the future. (N, Shiseido To Conduct More Clinical Trials For RCH-01? The hormone attacks hair follicles, causing them to shrink. This particular research which was published in the, Oxy133 Crowdfunding Campaign Successfully Funded (9/13/18), Last month, I shared a crowdfunding campaign by, There have been recent discussions on Italian hair forum websites that indicate the Brotzu lotion may very well be moving ahead and preparing for imminent release. Questions? Financial support for ScienceDaily comes from advertisements and referral programs, where indicated. The user notes that he has began dermarolling (microneedling). Earlier this week, Organ Technologies issued a press release announcing that they have issued new shares to three new investors in exchange for approximately 590 million yen. You may be familiar with the phenomenon yourself, moles which grow in isolated areas on the body and sprout several thick hairs or more. Results from the trial are expected around the end of Q1 2021. Follicle Thought, Histogen Misses Statistical Significance (2/18/21), New RNAi Therapy Announces Preclinical Results (2/11/21). The EVs then stimulate dermal papilla cells to secrete the Norrin protein, which then in turn activates follicular keratinocytes. (10/4/20), Back in May 2017 media headlines were ablaze with the latest “cure for baldness discovery”, which came from the University of Texas Southwestern and was led by Dr. Lu Le. I’ve started a discussion thread to talk about these things, please visit and voice your opinion ->, Aclaris’ ATI-502 Misses Goal In Clinical Trial (7/5/19), In this case, the vehicle performed in a similar range to the actual drug candidate thus the ATI-502 program for alopecia areata will be cancelled. As we are now in October 2019 the need for newer effective treatments is as real as ever and HairClone represents a unique opportunity to get a cell based treatment into the clinic fast, Stemson Therapeutics Featured In News Video (10/11/19), A new spin-out company from the University of Alabama at Birmingham is working on treatments to thwart the symptoms of aging. Head to the main page for all of the info or head directly to the article, Support Follicle Thought On Patreon (12/9/19), As we head into another Holiday season I would like to remind the readers and supporters of Follicle Thought of my Patreon donation page. The Congress will go on until Friday November 3, 2017. Plikus recently told the media organization, The research which drove Plikus to this new venture involved studying hairy moles also known as hairy nevi. His previous videos did not show much contrast in his before and after photos, but, in the latest video from December 30th, there is noticeable improvement in his crown area. The American Academy of Dermatology Association and CDC says hair loss is a long-term complication and is something a lot of COVID-19 patients experience. It’s not clear what stage of development the hair growth product is at, but it’s good to have it listed in. The study took place in Boston, MA and included 11 female subjects with mild-to-moderate female pattern hair loss. llicum Receives Regulatory Approval For Important Trial (2/3/20), Histogen Merges With Publicly Traded Company (1/31/20), RiverTown In The News For University Research (1/29/20), More grey hair cure research is in the news and this time it involves a compound which is also intended to regrow hair. However, it may be of interest to recall two peer reviewed articles that Lough and colleagues published involving the proteins, Gene Discovered Which Could Reverse Aging Factors (7/22/18), FDA Grants Fast Track For Aclaris’ JAK Inhibitors (7/9/18), According to the press release, a fast track designation is, Perspective On Shiseido Timeline (7/7/18), Histogen Recruiting For Female Trial in US (7/2/18), Regarding Brotzu Lotion and Replicel Releases (7/1/18). Full article, Update from Yokohama National University (3/13/18), Carboxytherapy Found Effective For Alopecia (3/10/18). New partnerships are a, Fast Track Granted To Alopecia Areata Therapy (1/24/18), Literally jumping right out of the woodwork, the company, “HCell” has announced they have been granted an orphan designation from the US FDA for their novel treatment of pediatric alopecia areata. As of now that domain is not active yet. The person who uploaded the video has been sharing updates of his experience with NGF-574H over the last 5 months. (3/9/20), Over the past weekend, the revelation of Shiseido’s long awaited trial results hit the internet. Well, the price is certainly interesting to many people, it gives us an idea of how much this treatment may cost if and when it is approved. , Kintor says it is now analyzing the data from the trial and will be releasing a case study report in Q4 2020. Or view hourly updated newsfeeds in your RSS reader: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. In short, J. Hewitt’s trial was not able to begin as planned because negotiations with a Cell Processing Center (company who would conduct the trial) fell through after long negotiations. At these conferences a few companies typically will announce some news about their developments and progress. Content on this website is for information only. See for yourself on the, New Discussion On Current Events (7/24/19), After several updates from major hair companies have come out over the past two months it leaves us at a rather interesting time period. To make a one-time donation simply click “Become a Patron” on the right sidebar of my Patreon. Phase 3 trials are very costly so the numbers here make sense for Samumed to be pushing forward. The truth is, hair loss is still a bit of a mystery, said Dr. Edidiong Kaminska. The first half of 2021 should have some important news to share for the hair seeking community. It caused a bit of excitement in the online hair research circuit, but most of us knew it would years before this discovery could be shaped into a practical application, if ever. At the top of the newsletter, two bullet points addressed the company’s plans for its alopecia programs in men and women. I’m also in favor of the fact that the Teslabrush does not replace other treatments one may be utilizing, but instead, Bernhard has said it works well with other hair growth treatments and has been shown to enhance them through combination. Lee mentioned, Yes, it seems likely that if the data is positive, Shiseido would go to market with one of the biggest technological breakthroughs of the century. In that post I shared an image from SkinTE’s website which shows an application for hair growth. An interesting quote from Professor Koehler: “, Initially the research was aimed at treating deafness by growing tiny versions of the inner ear in vitro. If you or a colleague is working on hair growth please get in touch on the, HairClone Announces Crowdfunding & Paul Kemp Comments (11/14/18), Late last week, HairClone officially unveiled its crowdfunding campaign with the Euro-based crowdfunding company Capital Cell. Follicle Thought is in contact with several of these groups which have yet to announce their efforts in creating next-generation hair growth therapies. This news comes shortly after the first set of before and after images of the FOL-004 treatment were shared and discussed around the internet. The concept of cloning hair is to extract healthy hair follicle cells from a patient and cultivate multiple copies of them in vitro. I’ve appreciated the candid and practical commentary from Teslabrush inventor Bernhard Rudert on what his product is capable of. This means, if successful, we get the same mechanism of action, but about 5 years sooner than the drug version. For more visit Concert’s. The HairCell technology is composed of a helmet – containing electrodes – that send bioelectric signals to the scalp to release regenerative proteins. The multiplied cells are then placed back into the balding scalp, where they resume their ... Read moreHair Cloning News … That compound is none other than RT1640 which has been featured in multiple articles on Follicle Thought for its abilities to, In the study, Hsu et al. Clinical trials on humans in 2019 could potentially lead to commercial release in 2020, in a perfect scenario. Will send you our publications once they got accepted. There is more information and commentary from Bernhard on the, New BBC Documentary about Hair Loss (3/21/18 – Updated), Unfortunately, as of now the video is only available on, for people living in the UK. The Observer Hair loss The new growth in hair loss research About 50% of men over the age of 50 and 50% of women over the age of 65 will suffer from hair loss. This makes … Initial interest in this product peaked late last year following an interview with Applied Biology’s founder Dr. Andy Goren which was published here on Follicle Thought. By adding this signal to the HairCell package, Leonhardt Ventures hopes to create a formidable hair growth technology. Medipost Also Working On Clinical Therapy (5/28/18), Setipiprant Phase 2A Trial Completing (5/22/18), Yesterday marked the “estimated study completion date” for setipiprant’s phase 2a trial in androgenetic alopecia in males. I expect the results to be presented sometime in 2nd half 2018. Dawson and his team believes they have identified a correlation between age-related hair loss and the slowing of metabolism. The good news is a company using GANs to discover new drugs have found a promising molecule for the treatment of hair loss. Excerpt from our conversation: I then spoke to Tonegawa who interviewed the President Sugimura of Organ Technologies. Fortunately, there are about five new therapies which have been added. Women would pay an average of 40% more … The former talk show host and actress appeared live on "Good Morning … The product will contain a molecule nearly identical to WAY-316606, but will meet cosmetic regulatory guidelines. Norrin was also shown to play a role in WNT/beta-catenin signaling which is known as the predominant cellular pathway responsible for the control of hair growth. Please get in touch with me via the, Hair-Bearing Skin Created In Lab (1/2/18), Scientists from the Indiana University School of Medicine have for the first time created skin with hair follicles using mice stem cells. The latest development for the team has been creating equipment which efficiently mass produces follicle cell culturing. Is the idea of a price before a clinical trial even relevant? Full press release, WAY-316606 Cosmetic Trial To Be Published (8/31/20), CK Biotech To Commercialize PTD-DBM Treatment (8/21/20), Head over to the main Articles page to check out the stickied, Before these past two weeks, it had been a while since I’ve received multiple emails and social media messages from my readers about a piece of hair regeneration news in the media. The full release is available on Replicel’s, Follicum Topical Phase 2 Trial Now In Progress (3/12/20), The first few members of Follicum’s latest phase 2 trial of FOL-005 have begun dosing, according to the Swedish biotech company. in the past month and believes that it has improved the efficacy of NGF for him. "I've had patients … After further review, we are still left with a discrepancy between the two Japanese bloggers who had interactions with members of Organ Technologies. Choi’s team identified the peptide PTD-DBM which targets a protein called CXXC5. I was also able to conduct a brief interview with the founder of the company, Keshav Singh PhD. The time range for the start of the trial is unclear for now and it’s most likely best for the company to not give another estimated date just yet.