Do you think of yourself as more selfless or selfish? 24. 6. If you could only eat salty snacks or sweet snacks for the rest of your life, which would you choose? 107 Deep Questions to Ask Your Friends (And Connect Deeply) 14. 13. How would you react if I told you I was going to shave my head and rent my scalp out for advertising? If you could be driven around everywhere by a chauffeur, what vehicle would you want that chauffeur to drive? 210 Questions to Ask Friends (For All Situations), 222 Questions to Get to Know Someone (Casual to Personal), Best Conversation Starters and Interesting Small Talk Topics, TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Hill, MSN, WebMD. 21. 22. What talent or skill do you have that you wish paid really well? If you were to go (back) to college, what major would you choose? If someone were to tell you, “Congratulations, you just won a lifetime supply of ______!” what would you want to hear in that blank? 120+ Never Have I Ever Questions Never have I ever played a game of “Never have I ever.” If you’re trying to get to know some new friends or a new boyfriend/girlfriend, this is a great way to go about it! Do you ever wish you had different parents? And would that thing be televised? Your S.O. See how you can go "from boring to bonding" in less than 7 words. 12. These deep questions are the perfect questions to get to know someone. 14. 24. Improving your confidence If you woke up as one of your favorite cartoon characters, who would you be? Do people around you see you as you really are? If you were to die today, what would be your greatest accomplishments that you are most proud of? 19. 9. What do you wish this person would have said to you? As an added bonus, you’ll probably get a better idea of what to get this friend for Christmas (or an upcoming birthday). If you were trapped on an island, would you rather resort to cannibalism or die of … What was one of your favorite gifts as a child? What kind of classes do you wish existed when you were going to school? Is falling in love worth it without the happily-ever-after? If it helps, print out the list, so you can cross off each question as you answer it. Spruce it … What stops you from lying and stealing? 350 Good questions to ask – Another great page with lots of great questions. If I was going to repaint my living room, and I showed you a sample of a color — and you hated it — would you tell me? You walk in and find me holding it and looking as though I’m plotting something. 22. 13. What would you choose? You can ask the deep questions from your friends, family members, and the ones with whom you want to have an everlasting relationship. If you could live someone else’s life for a day, whose life would you pick? These questions are great for dates, friends you know well, or person can be your boyfriend … If I have good news and bad news to share, which do you want to hear first? 9. If you could be a professional in one sport, which one would you choose? 19. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? What would you tell me? What family member do you feel closest to? If you had to eat the same thing for lunch every day, what would it be? 20. That is, 170 “favorite things” questions to ask your friends and family! Do you find it easy to make changes in life? Have you ever done what you thought was the “right thing” with catastrophic results? If your family turned away from you for any reason, would you try to get them back? If you saw me stress-eating or drinking more alcohol than you knew I could handle, what would you do? How To Improve Both, If You Want Your Marriage To Last, Set These 15 Goals, 9 Signs An Emotionally Unavailable Man Is In Love, Helpful Communication Exercises For Couples, 67 Fun Things To Do At Night When You’re Bored, 77 Existential Questions To Blow Your Mind. How to Ask the 36 Questions Grab a Partner. 13. If you could have sex with one famous person or celebrity, who would it be? 7. If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would that be? If you could instantly speak any second (or third, etc.) 3. Asking open-ended questions and leaving room for listening, storytelling, and answering questions in return fosters healthy conversation and allows two people to get to know each other more deeply. Or would you pretend to like it? My S.O. It can be helpful to balance asking questions and sharing about yourself, so what your friend doesn’t feel interrogated. One of you comments on the other’s sweater, and you’re off to a running start — jumping merrily from one tangent to the next. If you could eat one thing for dinner every day, what would it be? Would you donate an organ to someone you love? 5. by a waterfront and living in a spacious, light-filled, and beautifully furnished downtown apartment, so you could walk everywhere, which would you choose? Your new friend will get comfortable with time and even open up to some things you may not have known before. From that, we created a list of 52 questions that can scientifically foster intimacy between you and your partner, roommate, or friend – one for every week of the year! 11. 12. 24. If you could be close friends with any celebrity, who would it be? 15. Deep questions will let you know to how extent you are connected to your friend and loved ones. If I asked you for an honest opinion that might hurt me, would you tell me the truth? What was the most difficult “goodbye” in your life? 13. Who was the last person to make you cry? Do you consciously give preference to what’s trendy and fashionable, or to what’s obscure and rather unknown? Do you ever imagine yourself in very negative, but unlikely scenarios? You might be surprised by what you’ll learn about each other. 18. Pick from any of these 25 questions to ask your friends about yourself: 1. Have you ever been arrested for anything? They will often lead to thought-provoking conversations that can tighten your bond. What did you dream about last night? If you could visit any period in history, when and where would it be? 23. 3. How often would you prefer to have sex? What do you see in yourself that you dislike when you see it in other people? Just like our deep questions to ask a girl, these questions are non gender specific. 6. You must peep into the soul of your girl and know her like nobody else. Do you fantasize about other people during sex? Whatever default conversation settings you have, if you’re wondering what questions to ask your best friend, try the ones listed below. If you could pick an age and just stay that age for as long as you’re alive, what age would you be? 76). Deep questions to ask your girlfriend that dive straight into her heart A healthy relationship asks two people to not only share their bodies with each other but also their souls. 19. Who is the most important person in your life? 21. 20. Who is your favorite fictional character and why? 21. 25. This article contains over 200 questions to ask friends in different situations. What was the last (or most memorable) gift you’ve received that you ended up donating or giving to someone else? 20. 5. Let’s be real: even marathon-callers can’t conquer 225 questions in a single video call. 8. What actor would you like to play the starring role of your life? What would go through your head while you were being told all this, and would you go? For more fun, deep questions to ask, check out these 250 conversation-starters and interesting questions that’ll keep your convo going. What is the first thing you usually notice about me when we meet (for coffee, chat, movies, etc.)? Whom do you look up to the most — and what qualities in that person do you want to see in yourself? 18. 12. With some of the difficult questions to ask friends listed above, you might learn more about yourself than you do about your best friend. 21. What does your ideal life look like? Find your significant other, friend, parent, brother, sister, travel buddy, stranger you met online… really, ANYONE you want to get a little closer with! 11. And may your gratitude and sense of humor influence everything else you do today. Looking for deep things to talk about with your sig other? If you could keep just five of your possessions, what would they be? “As human beings, one of our primary means of connection is through words—written and spoken. 23. Learn how your comment data is processed. If money were no object, what one thing would you buy for yourself to make life easier or more fun? What is your most embarrassing memory? What's the longest time you've gone without sex? Besties have certain privileges when it comes to getting personal. 19. Where do you hope to be three to five years from now? 1. I just spent way too much money on a new exercise machine, because it has all the features I want, and I didn’t want to wait for a sale. You may uncover things that test your relationship. Do you believe in the existence of aliens — specifically intelligent life on other planets? If you could change your appearance to that of the most beautiful person in the world, if it meant looking like a completely new person, instead of an improved you – would you do it? What challenges do you most want to overcome? 14. 8. You Might Also Be Interested In: Questions to Ask a Girl – Discover the best of the best questions to ask a girl. Have you ever said someone else's name during sex? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Pick from any of these 25 personal deep questions to ask your friend: 1. Have you gotten closer to the meaning of life in the last 10 years? 5000? 16. These questions to ask your best friends will help you get to know them even more! Have you ever sent someone sexy photos of yourself? 9. What do you think about using population control to prevent overcrowding our planet? Does it matter that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel if you can’t get to it? 13. What is your least favorite thing about it? tells you he’ll / she’ll have a surprise waiting for you when you get back. 16. What do you do when no one else is around that you’d rather most people didn’t know about? Do you feel like men and women are equal? Are you a morning or night person when it comes to sex? If a genie could tell you a truth you’d like to know about yourself, what would you want to know? Many of these questions are funny, some are embarrassing, and some dig deep. 10. 7. Who should play me (as your best friend)? These questions are even deeper than the previous questions. Leading media outlets such as TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Hill, MSN, WebMD, and 100+ more rely on SocialPro’s expertise in psychology. Are you happy with your body and showing it during sex? 10. Use "conversational threading" to avoid awkward silence, Learn a proven technique to get past empty small talk. If your next home could have one thing of your choice that your current home does not have, what would that thing be? In which cases would you do it? If dishes could be synthesized perfectly, do you think there’d still be any place for chefs? 4. Leave A Comment Uh-oh! How did you come back from that? Make sure they are interested in completing the 36 questions with you.