The average household contains about 62 toxic chemicals, say environmental experts. This means that water vapor can pass through them. According to Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of The New England Medical Journal. Wait one hour, then flush with lots of cold water. Washing the clothing and cleaning all the other items w/ soapy water w/ some ammonia in it - or some pinesol - or some other household cleaner - should remove any odor. That’s a huge problem, because to this day any study I’ve seen…still, the most trusted person on any study I’ve seen globally is the health care provider. For example, you shouldn't be using your mouth to clean your house. Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke and other places they are found: You can read more about that story here. A link with Pfizer might well advance the commercialization of Canadian research. The VAERS data can also be perceived from another perspective. To illustrate this I often point to a conference held at the end of 2019 put on by the World Health Organization (WHO). The research, published in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, tracked 6,230 middle-aged men and women over the course of twenty years. This mainly represents reports that are coming in from the United States. I have not looked up, or attempted to look up reports from countries outside of the U.S. Furthermore, more people are growing whatever food they can. Upon conclusion of the study, data were analyzed and adjusted for potential confounders, such as impact of cigarette smoking on lung health. The organophosphate insecticides were developed as nerve gases, and the phenoxy herbicides, including 2,4-D (the most commonly used herbicide in Canada), were created to eradicate the Japanese rice crop, and later used as a component of Agent Orange to defoliate large areas in jungle warfare. –  Ontario College of Family Physicians, It’s also noteworthy to mention that A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition carried out a meta-analysis based on 343 peer-reviewed publications that indicate “statistically significant and meaningful differences in composition between organic and non-organic crops/crop based foods.” The study found that. But what we might consider “occasional” could be more than enough to do lasting harm to the body. Bath Bombs. Cleaning your house isn't exactly the same as smoking cigarettes. When it comes to vaccines, should freedom of choice remain? Amyl nitrite capsules, also called “poppers” or “snappers” Butyl nitrite products known as “Rush,” “Climax,” or “Locker Room.” These may be used as part of sexual activity, especially between homosexual men. They called it ‘flash pulmonary edema,’ and doctors told me that it can be caused by anaphylaxis. Coronavirus: household cleaning products can kill the virus – an expert on which ones to use March 25, 2020 12.06pm EDT • Updated May 18, 2020 10.38am EDT Lena Ciric , UCL The good news is that natural alternatives are now easily accessible, even within mainstream channels. (source). It’s no secret that vaccine hesitancy is quite high in some places when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, and with vaccines in general. There are more than 4,000 ingredients in a cigarette other than tobacco. Harmful Household Cleaning Products. Probably the most common household cleaning item used, baking soda can absorb any unpleasant odor. Steinar Madsen, medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NOMA), told the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that “There is no certain connection between these deaths and the vaccine.”  Bloomberg Reported that the “Pfizer/BioNTech was the only vaccine available in Norway”, stating that the Norwegian Medicines Agency told them that as a result “all deaths are thus linked to this vaccine.” So, there seemed to be some conflicting information there as well, one piece of information stating that the vaccine was linked, and the other stating that it wasn’t, both from the same source. • carpet cleaner • cosmetics, • fabric softeners, • fingernail polish and hardeners, • gas cookers and open fireplaces, • glue, • household cleaners, and • latex paint. Cigarette butts just might be the most common litter on planet Earth. The data shows that 799 of the deaths were reported in the U.S., and that about one-third of those deaths occurred within 48 hours of the individual receiving the vaccination. The study, released in February 2018, investigated the long-term effects of cleaning with commercial products, on lung function and airway obstruction. Cleaning products as bad for lungs as smoking 20 cigarettes a day, scientists warn. They were referred to as the  Spider Papers. Some restaurant, entertainment facilities and other places of businesses might follow suit. Other poisons include ammonia, bleach, many glues, nail polish remover, oven cleaner, paint, perfumed candles, and heavy metals (e.g. For example, according to some, like this U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report, VAERS is estimated to capture an estimated one percent of vaccine injuries, or at least reports by those who believe to be injured by a vaccine, because the majority of them are believed to be unreported. “Most people have experienced the expected side effects of the vaccine, such as nausea and vomiting, fever, local reactions at the injection site, and worsening of their underlying condition.”. "New and improved" electric appliances allowed … As a cigarette is smoked, the amount of tar inhaled from the cigarettes increases. Cutting Edge Conscious Media, the always-emitting, toxic air fresheners. So too are scientists and health experts. In 1989, NASA launched a Clean Air study to determine which household plants are best at purifying the air. Norway has registered a total of 29 deaths among people over the age of 75 who’ve had their first Covid-19 vaccination shot, raising questions over which groups to target in national inoculation programs. As a result, the country changed which groups to target in national inoculation programs. Collective Evolution. For instance, a certified radon mitigator can … Heidi made a Facebook post about the incident: The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD an obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Died the day before yesterday due to a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine. This website uses cookies to improve content delivery. More grocery stores and brands are offering organic options, and the industry is starting to recognize that it’s in demand. Some household chemicals, for example oven and drain cleaner, are dangerous and can potentially be poisonous if swallowed. These included organophosphates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids and the phenoxy herbicide 2,4-D. And not only are they far safer, they often contain botanical extracts that are more effective against chemical and antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria than conventional cleaning formulations. You've been successfully subscribed to our newsletter! Zip Code. “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. There are, as I’ve written about many times before, other important factors that have been noted about VAERS. Some pesticides currently in use were in fact developed during World War II for use in warfare. You can access that here. They also work well to prevent the mold and mildew that always seem to creep into cracks and crevices. Perhaps a better explanation lies in the fact that women do most of the household cleaning. Add 1 gallon or 16 cups of warm water to the bucket. ... furniture, and many other household objects. According to the New York Times: “Dr. Keep in mind that approximately 40 million Americans have had at least one COVID shot thus far. What Happened: 29 patients who were quite old and frail have died following their first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination. Older and sick people with co-morbidities were not used in the trials, and people with severe allergies and other diseases that can make one more susceptible to vaccine injury were not used either. It found that an organic diet significantly reduced neonicotinoid, OP pyrethroid, 2,4-D exposure, with the greatest reduction observed in malathion, clothianidin, and chlorpyrifos. A survey conducted at Chicago’s Loretto Hospital shows that only 40 percent of healthcare workers will not take the COVID-19 vaccine once it’s available to them. Then the feds came A questionnaire by the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) was given three times during the study, regarding cleaning activities and types and frequencies of products used. A new study argues that cleaning your home once a week is the equivalent of smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes per day. Five years ago I wrote about how big pharma did not share adverse reactions people had and harmful results from their clinical trials for commonly used antidepressant drugs. Scientists at the University of Bergen in Norway led an international team of researchers on a mission to explore health risks associated with a very common task: housecleaning. Products give off different amounts of formaldehyde. Since 2015, the program has paid out an average total of $216 million to an average of 615 claimants each year. Don't use chemicals around your bird. (Photo by Steve Mitchell) Get quotes from up to 3 pros! If your house has been damaged by cigarette smoke, it is important to consider water- and smoke-damage restoration companies that specialize in cleaning homes after fires,floods and other major incidents. Children, particularly pre-schoolers, have the highest incidence of accidental poisonings involving medications and household chemicals. Ammonia is a relatively harsh household cleaner that can release its own toxic compounds into the air, so we recommend this method as a last-ditch effort. We will just have to wait and see what happens. When cigarette smoke enters the air ducts in your home, it will travel … By adding ammonia to your cigarettes, nicotine in its vapor form can be absorbed through your lungs more quickly. Some people prefer cleaners that don't have harsh chemicals. All pesticides detected in the body dropped an average of 60.5% after just six days on an organic diet. Common household cleaners contain ammonia or bleach. When it comes to science and determining whether or not a vaccine is the direct cause of an injury, there doesn’t seem to be, in my opinion appropriate systems in place to investigate this. Learn More. As a result, Norwegian officials have since adjusted their advice on who should get the COVID-19 vaccine. Burning cigarettes and other tobacco products also release formaldehyde. We are not asking for doctors to continue with vaccination, but to carry out extra evaluation of very sick people whose underlying condition might be aggravated by it. Please enter a valid zip code. Many of these chemicals also are found in consumer products, but these products have warning labels—such as rat poison packaging. The BMJ article goes on to point out that the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany is also investigating 10 deaths shortly after COVID-19 vaccination, and closes with the following information: In a statement, Pfizer said, “Pfizer and BioNTech are aware of reported deaths following administration of BNT162b2. For example, certain airlines may not allow people to travel unless they’ve had the shot. For example, a few years ago more than a dozen scientists from within the CDC put out an anonymous public statement detailing the influence corporations have on government policies. All of this of course raises a number of legal and ethical concerns. Airway obstructions increased between the second and third phase of the study period, although this did not appear correlated to use of chemical cleaning agents. Once you’ve chosen your preferred wall cleaning method, get all your … A common household use of lemon juice is to use it to clean hard water and mineral deposits from shower doors, sinks and toilets. The U.S. Sink drain: Pour a blend of 1/2 cup household bleach and 1/2 cup water down the drain. New data suggests childhood poisonings involving household cleaner products have significantly increased since the beginning of the COVID-19 … Riverside County, California has a population of approximately 2.4 million, and about 50 percent of healthcare workers in the county are refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine despite the fact that they have top priority and access to it. In this sense, men were less immune: men who cleaned at home had more doctor-diagnosed asthma than men in the other two groups. VAERS has come under fire multiple times, a critic familiar with VAERS’  bluntly condemned VAERS in The BMJ as “nothing more than window dressing, and a part of U.S. authorities’ systematic effort to reassure/deceive us about vaccine safety.”, It’s also noteworthy to mention that, when it comes to vaccine injury In the United States, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)  has paid out more than $4 billion dollars due to vaccine injuries. Kamran Abbas is a doctor, recent former executive editor of the British Medical Journal, and the editor of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. How to Understand Particle Size and Distribution for Cleaner Air Particle size is an important factor in air pollution and allergies. Certain employers may require their employees to take the shot. While this is already commonly known to be flammable, property owners are not always aware of the damaging effects it can cause if it came into contact with an open flame. ©2021 American Lung Association. Should people have the freedom of choice? Many common indoor plants such as Boston fern, bamboo palm, and peace lily help remove toxins such as toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air. White vinegar is another nontoxic household staple that works to neutralize—not simply mask—bad odors such as smoke. Finally, researchers noted that women have demonstrated in studies to be more susceptible to other mixed chemical exposures, such as tobacco smoke and wood dust, indicating that less exposure is needed for women to develop exposure-related illnesses. Another study conducted by researchers from RMIT university nearly 5 years ago published in the journal Environmental Research found that eating an organic diet for just one week significantly reduced pesticide exposure in adults by up to 90 percent. ... clean your house again? Other particulate that is disturbed during cleaning activities, such as household dust and debris, may be a factor in this increase. The American Lung Association is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Consider next that many people use multiple cleaning and freshening products in the course of a thorough housecleaning. Seeking professional help can make it easier to quit smoking. When it comes to vaccines, should freedom of choice remain? Both ozone and particles can be life-threatening. It is a thick black liquid mainly produced from coal. Cigarette smoke odors continue to exist because there is still a source present. Data from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) shows, as of today, 929 deaths, 316 permanent disabilities and more than 15,000 adverse reactions reported after of the COVID-19 vaccine. Baseline lung function measurements were taken at the start of the research period via spirometry, a basic lung function test that measures the amount and/or speed of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. This evaluation includes discussing the risks and benefits of vaccination with the patient and their families to decide whether or not vaccination is the best course. As this gripping research into housecleaning shows, even the most common, mundane task can conceal hidden dangers. Should private institutions/companies have the right to mandate this vaccine for people and employees? In the making for more than a year, EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning, the only one of its kind, has found that … We have a very wobbly health professional frontline that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines. Interestingly, cleaning was not significantly associated with lung function decline in men, or with airway obstruction. Make sure you follow Collective Evolution on Telegram as we have no idea how much longer we will be on Facebook. Yet a common issue we found was that while this product is promoted as safe for use with light-colored upholstery, this isn’t always the case. There are several different enzyme cleaners depending on which room of your home you're targeting. Roughly 20% to 40% of L.A. County’s frontline workers who were offered the vaccine did the same, according to county public health officials. The last puff can contain more than twice as much tar as the first puff. Control Insecticide is safe for use around birds. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). Women who cleaned at least once per week, whether at home or occupationally, suffered significantly more decline in overall lung function across all markers, as compared to women who did not clean. You will also want to keep them away from any heat-related appliances, such as air vents, furnaces, space heaters, and more. The prevalence of doctor-confirmed asthma increased in women between the first and second phases of the study. Additionally, a significantly larger percentage of women reported occupational cleaning: 8.9% or 293 women, versus 1.9% or 57 men. Also, because the cigar wrapper is less porous than a cigarette wrapper, the tobacco doesn’t burn as completely. Most people prefer to use ammonia for things such as cleaning windows and toilet bowls. Simply Green Washing: Are You Using This Toxic Chemical? Physical limitation, which has been linked to outdoor air pollution exposure in previous studies, is a risk factor for disability and even for prematu… The Takeaway:  One thing that seems to be quite evident, in my opinion, is the fact that mainstream media and the “mainstream” in general is failing at having proper conversations around controversial topics, like vaccines, for example. Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke and other places they are found: Get the facts about nicotine, flavorings, colorings and other chemicals found in e-cigarettes. Steinar Madsen, medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NOMA), told the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that “There is no certain connection between these deaths and the vaccine.”, On the 15th of January it was 23 deaths, Bloomberg is now reporting that a total of 29 deaths among people over the age of 75 who’ve had their first COVID-19 shot. This results in higher concentrations of nitrogen oxides, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and tar – all very harmful substances. Roughly 20% to 40% of L.A. County’s frontline workers who were offered the vaccine did the same, according to county public health officials. Ammonia, a common component of kitchen and bathroom cleaners, is also added to tobacco because it causes nicotine to be absorbed into the blood more quickly. Join over 500,000 people who receive the latest news about lung health, including COVID-19, research, air quality, inspiring stories and resources. Instead of using terms like “Anti-Vax conspiracy theorist, as well as ridicule, it would be great if mainstream media advocates actually addressed the concerns being raised by those who are concerned about vaccine safety and effectiveness. As the demand for consumer goods increased toward the end of World War II, advertising campaigns targeted the growing middle class family that resulted from the post-war housing boom. You may be surprised to learn that the tobacco industry has found some additional uses for this household product. Clean or replace the air filters, furnace filters, and AC filters. The other thing that’s a trend, and an issue, is not just confidence in providers but confidence of health care providers. All of this warrants freedom of choice, does it not? You can look it up for yourself and/or see the screenshot below. Join the 500,000+ people getting our newsletter! Pfizer’s Questionable History:  Losing faith in “big pharma” does not come without good reason. At Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills, one in five frontline nurses and doctors have declined the shot. When burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals. Are the justifications used to to spray our crops actually justified? Health Feedback highlights the following point: Both COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were thoroughly reviewed for safety and efficacy before approval. First, we tested the levels of pesticides in their bodies on a non-organic diet for six days. Cleaning House After a Cigarette Smoker Moves Out. What Happened: According to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as of today (February 20th, 2021) 929 deaths, 316 permanent disabilities and more than 15,000 adverse events have been reported from people after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. To learn more, see Health Risks of … “Norwegian authorities have prioritised the immunisation of residents in nursing homes, most of whom are very elderly with underlying medical conditions and some of whom are terminally ill. NOMA confirm the number of incidents so far is not alarming, and in line with expectations. Drain openers, oven cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, and mildew stain removers often contain strong acids or alkalis; breathing in the fumes from these can cause the same type of irritation as bleach and ammonia. Researchers noted that this may be due in part, to men being under-represented in the sample group, at just 47% of participants. The 2.3-billion settlement…set a new record for both criminal fines and total penalties. Share your voice and advocate for policies that will save lives. Individuals with measurable airway obstruction were excluded from analyses. Prior to World War II, the pesticides that we use now did not yet exist. We are working with NOMA to gather all the relevant information. Should governments and private institutions not be allowed to mandate this vaccine in order to have access to certain rights and freedoms? It can be confusing given the fact that vaccination is being encouraged for the elderly in nursing homes and those who are more vulnerable to COVID-19. To keep your home’s indoor air safe, especially for asthma and allergy sufferers, encourage cigar smokers to use tobacco products outdoors or in a designated room. Some of the pesticides we found are linked to increased risk of cancer, infertility, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and more. Here are some other ingredients: Ammonia: Household cleaner Angelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals Arsenic: Used in rat poisons At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are toxic. In this latest paper, Classen warns that the RNA-based vaccine technology could create “new potential mechanisms” of vaccine adverse events that may take years to come to light. Vinegar can be used to clean cigarette smell out of any fabric, but if you have bigger, bulkier items that need to be treated, it’s probably best to contact a local dry cleaner. Vaccine hesitancy among physicians and academics is nothing new. Some of these harmful chemicals include carbon monoxide, ammonia, arsenic, benzene, and hydrogen cyanide. Household Chemicals Products Listing Naphthalene | 4 of 5 Product Category Form Percent Description Source STP Winter Maintenance Formula - discontinued Automotive liquid 0.5-1.5 gas treatment US NIH Valvoline Complete Fuel System Cleaner Automotive liquid 0.1-0.5 cleaner US NIH Valvoline Fuel Injector Plus Intake Valve Cleaner The Norwegian government will also consider adjusting their vaccination instructions to take the patients’ health into more consideration. You can look more into that too see how it all works if interested. Doing so can help to mask the smell of old cigarette smoke (or the vinegar used to remove it) and help to create a much more pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. It just means that it happened after someone got a vaccination… In Norway’s case, we’re talking about adverse events following immunization.”. These findings illustrate the unknowing risks we take with common chemicals, whose use has become so ubiquitous with “clean,” we don’t question the safety of occasional use. Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. The next question is, what do we do about it? A common household cleaner METHANOL A main component in rocket fuel FORMALDEHYDE Embalming fluid CARBON MONOXIDE Released in car exhaust fumes NICOTINE Used as insecticide HEXAMINE Found in barbecue lighter fluid ARSENIC ... What's in Cigarette … Bleach is a common household cleaner that removes stains, disinfects, and can be used to whiten clothes. Most air cleaner packaging will tell you the largest size area or room it should be used in. The most common primers that you see at the local hardware store will NOT WORK in this application. There is no proof showing that the vaccine did not cause the adverse events. But it is just important to keep in mind to spray away from any open flame or fireplace. Vacuum all areas thoroughly. For example, you shouldn't be using your mouth to clean your house. Among the 3,298 female participants, a large majority (85.1%) reported that they are the person cleaning at home, compared to just 46.5% of the 2,932 male participants. Let the walls dry and check if the odor persists. The odor of smoke often lingers, even when you're away from the source. Laundry detergent, which tends to lean towards the alkaline end of the pH scale, as does cigarette smoke, won’t neutralize the odor as effectively. What Happened:  A 2019 study published in the journal Environmental Research titled, “Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary pesticide levels in U.S. children and adults” highlighted that diet is the primary source of pesticide exposure in both children and adults in the United States. the air cleaner can filter and the larger the area it can serve. Is Your Uber Air Freshener Making You Sick? Thank you! There doesn’t seem to be a clear cut answer, but there is no doubt that we are currently going through that possible process, we are living in it. Conventional foods appear to have nearly 50 percent more of this heavy metal than organic foods. Keyes’ daughter, Lisa Jones, told WKTR:  “They tried to remove fluid from her lungs. Assemble All Supplies. The primary ingredient of household bleach is sodium hypochlorite (NaCl), which is typically in a concentration around 0.67 M of the base OCI. The Takeaway: Given the fact that everything is not black and white, especially when it comes to vaccine safety, do we really want to give government health agencies and/or private institutions the right to enforce mandatory vaccination requirements when their efficacy have been called into question? Women who cleaned with chemicals at least once per week had markedly decreased lung capacity after twenty years. VAERS data only tells us that an adverse event might have occurred after vaccination; on its own it cannot prove that vaccines caused the adverse event. Click here to learn more! 10-11-2008, 05:15 PM Do you know the answer? According to researchers, “Cleaning agents have known irritative effects and potential for causing inflammatory changes in the airways.” This appears to be especially true for women. Tar is a common component of roads and is also used to seal roofing shingles and hulls of ships. Try Ammonia. Should private institutions/companies have the right to mandate this vaccine for people and employees? And you can use it to keep your vacuum cleaner smelling nice and fresh. (source), The most significant drops occurred in a class of nerve agent pesticides called organophosphates. Paraphernalia used when abusing inhalants Furthermore, those injured by the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be eligible for compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) while COVID is still an “emergency.”, lyson Kelvin, a virologist and assistant professor at Dalhousie University, who is currently working on COVID-19 vaccines with VIDO-InterVac, told Global News that “there’s a difference between “adverse events following immunization” and adverse events “directly related to a vaccine…Just because it’s an adverse event, doesn’t mean it’s directly related to the vaccine. But NASA scientists claim that common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Suppressing clinical trial results is something I’ve come across multiple times with several different medicines. Want updates on the latest lung health news, including COVID-19 updates, research, inspiring stories and health information? Put clean woolens away in sealed containers.Check stored food products and spices for infestations and dispose of infested material. Crossword Answers for "Common household cleaner" Added on Saturday, February 13, 2021. Dr. Peter Doshi, an associate editor at the British Medical Journal published a piece in the Journal issuing a word of caution about the supposed “95% Effective” COVID vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Portable air cleaners often achieve a high CADR by using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. **When thoroughly cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner 99,99% of all common household bacteria will be killed on common smooth household hard surfaces, provided the cleaning speed of 30 cm/s at max. We might simply think of airborne particles as a bunch of tiny molecules in the atmosphere. All the reported deaths related to “elderly people with serious basic disorders,” it said.